Chapter Fifteen: Forgiving You

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Who knew the underground had many passageways and hiding places. Teal knew the way through the halls like the back of her hand. She thought it's an excellent way to create some distance from the Stonekeeper and the village. Thanks to the glowing snail, they can see where they're going. It spooked Fleem a little. Percy meanwhile safety in a jar, is amazed by these passages. Eventually, Teal found her cave they can stay.

"So...uh...this is sorta your quiet place, huh?" Fleem ask. He looked at her drawings on the wall.

"I would hide here to for alone time in my youth, but now not so much. But now serves as a hiding place." The two sat down on the ground with the snail as their only light source as darkness surrounds them. Fleem put the jar to the side while Teal took a breath and spoke out.

"I know why you guys are really here."

"You do? Did someone tell you? I bet it was Cornell!"

"No one. I found out when I overheard your friends and my stepfather arguing about the Smallfoots."

"So you know your stepdad has been capturing Smallfoots? To get rid of them for good?"

"Yes! I was even part of it! I captured them!" Teal exclaimed and pushed her head into her hands. Fleem is a bit stunned by her statement. She still recalls her stepfather telling her by doing this would better protect the village from any outside intruders of any kind. Although learning the Smallfoots existences was shocking, she was first told they are monsters, and they only care about themselves. Meanwhile, Cornell was kept in the dark for the most part.

"I thought I was doing something right, but that was a lie. The Pure of Heart, the Glistening shield, Smallfoots being monsters, it's all lies!" She looked away from Fleem. Fleem had no idea how to react or what mood he should feel. He looks down at the ground.

"How do you know Smallfoots are not monsters? How can you be so sure?" Fleem asked, his eyes is still glued to the ground. Isn't he and his friends trying to save them? Does he think Smallfoots are monsters? Perhaps he was forced on this quest. Unknown to her, Fleem is testing her. She gazed at the glowing snail on the ground, who started back at her. She had a story to tell.

"In one of my outings, I was ordered by my stepfather to go to the biggest Smallfoot village their is and capture a few there. And I did. I managed to capture a Smallfoot in its sleep, but that's when a...couple saw me from their home. They fleed before I could get there." Teal told and took a breath and continued.

"I looked all over the village for them; then I found where they hid. I took one of them. And just when I was about to grab the looked at me in the eyes, telling me not to do this, why are you doing this, let her go. I never saw a Smallfoot do that before, showing love to each other, a connection."

"What did you do next?" Fleem asked with great sadness.

"I left him there, knowing it may never see his mate again." Teal started to cry into her knees to shild her tears. Telling the story brought thoughts of disturbing images back to her head that she thought she had overcome days ago. That red Smallfoot where shell never forget. The fact she may have destroyed a beautiful relationship made her feel such guilt.

"That's why I know not all Smallfoots are monsters." She managed choked up. Fleem was no good at these situation, but his test worked. He knew exactly who she is referring to. The Smallfoot that came with them. The Smallfoot in the jar. Fleem picked up the jar and opened it. Percy is not pleased to be cramped in a jar for so long.

Fleem took him out of the jar and had him sit on his hands. Percy was about to say a word until his eyes settled on Teal a few inches away from them. Then Percy noticed she's crying.

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