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A lot has changed since many events in the Smallfoot village took place. First thing, Teal, Cornell, and the North villagers began to go to the other Smallfoot village very often since they made with them. There was a bit of fear and hesitation at first, but with the help of Percy, Brenda, Hank, and other Smallfoots that came to help them ease in, they became welcoming to the yetis with time and understanding. Cornell even made his first Smallfoot friend while Teal made her first yeti friend too.

And then Christmas came a week later along with new years upon them as soon they know it. It was the very first Christmas with the yetis. Not to mention, this is Percy and Brenda's first Chrismas in the Himalayas. Needless to say, they had the most extraordinary and unforgettable Christmas ever. And new years was even better. Although the fireworks were a bit scary at first, then they saw the beauty of them as fireworks blossom in the sky. Then a mouth past and the yeti and mammoths began to move back down as Migo said they would. It was hard to move on from the village they all grew up in at first but realized it is for the greater good. Even The North villagers moved right next to the Smallfoot village. But that doesn't mean both of the towns became a ghost town, ever now and then would come back to the town to see it still standing tall.

Migo and Meechee relationship has skyrocketed to a whole new level of love. They would often hold hands whenever they're together. It was about time too. They planed to have a ceremony sometime soon. They wanted everyone to be there, including the Samllfoots

Both Percy and Brenda decided to move in the Himalayas to stay close with the yetis, despite not being a fan of the cold. House hunting was challenging until they found it the right house they called their own. They moved in within eight to sixteen weeks. The two became an ambassador for the yetis by the town's mayor. When they told their parents that they are moving to the Himalayas, Brenda's parents were surprised by her decision to move far away, but both promised to visit each other often on holidays. As for Percy's father, he is not happy here such news when he called.

"What do you mean you're staying in staying in the Himalayas?" His father would cry on the phone. His father wouldn't understand if he told him the truth, so he told him what's on his mind. Percy told him he wanted to stay in the Himalayas and start fresh. He said to him that he's even starting a new show called 'Creatures of the Himalayas.' His father stayed silent for a few seconds before he sighed and calmly said."Good luck, Percy."

It was different when Percy called his mother, and She was sportive on his decisions. Percy even offered his mother to the Himalayas one day to see everything they have done. She says she will come to visit one day. She missed him dearly and told him to call her whenever. Percy thanks his mother.

As for the other yeti villages, they haven't yet come up with a plan of how they should approach them yet. But Stonekeeper hoped the other Stonekeeper would come together and lead their yetis together as one.

The North Stonekeeper still laid down in a coma in the ice palace in a guest room. His brother will visit him every day to see if he has gotten any better. Cornell and  Teal would often visit him and so would Mecchee and Thorp. They would sit beside him to monitor him. The Stonekeeper would have an ice cube on his forehead to keep him cool.

"Do you think he'll ever wake up?" Teal raised a question to the Stonekeeper. "To see the changes we have done?"

The Stonekeeper shook his head. "I don't know."

"Is there anything we can do?" Meechee asked.

"Anything at all?" Cornell asked desperately for answers.

"I'm afraid not. The only thing we can do is take care of him while he remains in this slumber." The Stonekeeper says. He places his ancient hand on Teal and Cornell's shoulders. "Come on; we should let your father rest; we will check on him later." The yetis left the room, leaving Teal with her stepfather alone. She kissed him on the forehead.

"I love you...dad," Teal whispers to him. Then she leaves the room to catch up with others. After all, their friends are waiting for them. No one was on the mountain now.

The North Stonekeeper laid motionless until suddenly his fingers begun to twitch. Then abruptly, his red eye snapped open.

The End...

Please read this‼

I want to take this time to THANK YOU all for giving this book a read, a vote, and sweet comments until the very end.❤ Thank you all so much.

I enjoyed watching Smallfoot. So I thought "What would the squeal be about?" Since the ending is pretty much opened for a squeal or heck, even a TV show. I had a blast writing my version of what the Smallfoot sequel would be about. And I'm sad it's over already. 🤧

Of course, all of you are welcome to read it again and again. This story will be here forever.😁

I even have a story copy just in case something happens to Wattpad in the future.😌

I added music here to end it on a high note. I listen most to beautiful music on YouTube on a channel called HDsounDI. I recommend checking their channel.👍

Now I know all of you have questions, I'll try to answer most of them down here.👇

1. Will there be a third book? It left with a Cliffhanger🤨.

Maybe but I'll love too. If I am making a third book, I need to develop a story that would work.🙂

2. Are you going to white another Smallfoot story?🧐

I actually have a plan for another Smallfoot, it's a borrower AU. It's a story about where all yetis are humans but all the humans in the movie will be borrowers. Meaning Percy and Brenda will be 5 inches tall. Basically, a giant/tiny kind of thing. But it's in development.😯

Maybe short stories?

3. Are you whiting other fanfics?

If you looked at my profile, I am interested in other things like the MCU, HTTYD, Disney movies, etc. I was actually planning on making Venom fanfic called 'Lost on Planet Earth.' But it's too still in the development stage😋.

4. Grammar fixes?

I'll get on that soon!😄

Got any more questions? Don't be afraid to ask me here in this book. Again, Thank you all for reading this book. I pretty nervous publishing it at first but with all the love and support, it made me confident in finishing it.😇

Have an awesome day, everyone! You are awesome.😎

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