Chapter Seven: The Quest Begins

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The village wasn't the same since last night terrorizing incident. Percy couldn't go back sleep that night. It was hard to go back to sleep without thinking about Brenda, and the others fates in the hands of a yeti, who take them to God knows where. Probably real far as many have guessed. He also has been thinking why the yeti did what he or she did and why it did not take him when it had the chance to. Maybe it had a change of heart at the last second? Or it did not want him. Also from the looks of it, it did not look anything like Migo and other yetis. It suggested it is a different type of yeti of some kind, almost ape-like mash with a gorilla. But after all that, he went to sleep.

And of course, he reports to the police in the morning about Brenda and Hank missing as many have. He also told what he witnessed; however, Percy left out the 'thing' being the yeti out purposely because he thought it would ruin the relationships that they had with the yetis. It would destroy everything that he's been fighting for if they were to know. He knows he can get a lot of trouble for leaving out important details, but at this point, he didn't care.

Percy is still timid but a bit calmer and collected. He sat at the living room table with a bowl of cereal with the news on and running on television. He would usually watch very little of the press, but this time is essential because the incident last night made headlines and world news. Reports confirm that seven people were taken from this village, including Brenda and Hank. The police out right now on the ground and air looking for those who were stolen here and from other communities.

The room never felt so silent without Brenda here. Her frush cleanroom felt empty and lifeless without her. Percy made up Brenda's bed after breakfast to make a bit neater, whenever she found along with the others and make her return. Percy got dressed and put on his red winter jacket, winter boots, and gloves and headed outside his apartment and took a stroll into town. There were very few people outside, and the police seem to be every corner it felt like.

He walked over to the entrance of the town and sat down a bench to wait for Migo and the other Yetis to arrive. It's about time they know about this, epically the Stonekeeper if he bothers coming down. Percy felt like he would know what to do. While waiting, he played Wizards and Spells, a puzzle game that helped pass the time and get his mind off of things.

Then he heard sniffing right next to him. He turned to see a young Asian girl who had black hair in two braids with a bang, and she's wearing a purple winter jacket and boots sitting next to him on the bench. The girl is crying next to him. She wasn't there before. Now Percy had no idea what to do, and her parents don't seem to be around. Teacnilly, he's stranger to her and shouldn't be talking to a kid. But he couldn't watch the girl sob anymore.

"Hey, are you alright?" Percy asked nicely to the crying little girl. She turns to him and become surprised to see him sitting next to her.

"Y-Your P-Percy Patterson." She sniffed. "I-I w-watch your show all the time." Percy is surprised that he had a little fan of his show in the Himalayas. Only because last time he checks, everyone hated the show to its core. So it's kind that their someone out there like his show for what it is.

"Oh, that's nice" Percy quickly said and immediately got back at the pressing matter at hand. "Are you alright? Where are your parents?" She becomes hesitant to answer that as she became sadder to point she going spring more tears.

"My m-mother... is g-gone!" She sobbed and unexpectedly hugged Percy tight. It is a loud scene that took place, people around the two watched the scene form feet away "I looked all over for her, but I couldn't find her!" Percy can already know that her mother is one of the seven that went missing last night, its too obvious. He patted her back to comfort her.

"What's your name? How old are you?" Percy asked her.

"My name is May." May sniffed a little. "I'm seven."

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