Chapter Ten: Arriving North

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The sun begins to rise on the edge of the landscape. The fire that sat in the middle has died down in the middle of the night. The yetis are snoring peacefully while Gwangi slept louder than usually. Migo and Meechee ended up sleeping next to each other while Percy slept inside his sleeping bag on Migo's chest. Then sleeping bag started to ruffle as Percy struggle to break free. Then he finally broke out the bag with a promising stretch of his arms and a yawn. He rubbed his tired eyes as his sight adjust.

It felt good to smell and feel the cold fresh air again for a good long sconed. The dawning light cast a shadow wherever it touches, it certainly brought back memories of his times filming animals in Africa; It had the best sunrises in the whole world he recalled.

He had to admit he had slept worse. The Smallfoot felt terrible that the others had to sleep on cold hard ground; they slept like a rock if he were to guess. To Percy's wild amazement, he woke up before anyone else did, he doesn't usually wake up this early in the morning but rather sleep in till nine or ten for the most part. Percy figures the cold woken him up; he is a little chilly.

Percy then turns to see Migo sleeping with Meechee. Percy smiled sweetly; he had an already knew Snowball is in a relationship with Wonder. It is evident to everyone in the village that there are in love. Although, he is curious how long they were together for. For all he knows, they can be a newly married couple. Then again, from what he can tell, they look like they just got into a relationship and its blossoming.

"Aww, they look so cute together," Percy whispers to himself. Percy got out his phone from his coat pocket and held it sideways. He snaps a picture of them and catches one with himself in. The redhead tried his best to hide his laughter. Then suddenly, Migo's eyes opened a slight bit.

Percy lowers his phone and quickly puts it in his pocket. Percy sleepy smile."Good morning, Sleepyhead,"

"Oh, Smallfoot," Migo said in surprise, sounding energized. The yeti put his hands behind his head to get relaxed.

"You're up early, did you sleep well? Were you warm enough?" Migo asked a little worried, making his hands like a pillow and laid his head as one of his hand signals.

Percy gave a so and so hand gesture to Migo, saying he slept okay.

"I slept worse. How about you?" Percy pointed at Migo.

"Well, the ground it's nothing like my bed at home, I'll say that." Migo cracks his neck with a simple twist with a loud pop. "But I slept well. I wonder how...the others...slept, "

Migo trailed off when his eyes landed on Meechee, sleeping soundly next to him. Her hair and fur is a mess; it's in tangles and twists. Her single braid is unrecognizable at this point. She had a bed head. Migo never saw Meechee like this before; no one has except herself.

"Oh..." Migo said sheepishly.

"We should probably wake everyone up and get going."


Sure enough, when the morning hit, everyone is up and moving sluggishly straight forward a few feet led by a tried Meechee where the north village should be. Just about everyone is tired, hungry, and wild hair. Percy, on the other hand, ate some of his food and somewhat got a decent sleep.

Percy notices Migo and others looked staving. So the Smallfoot offered an apple and a few snacks from his bag to the yetis, since they did not have breakfast this morning. It may be a small amount of food for the yetis, but it was surely better than nothing.

Migo smailed at the Smallfoot's generosity.

Kolka politely declined Percy's offer but thanked him. She shook her gently head. "Thanks, little guy, but you should save the food for yourself. We'll be fine." The others agreed with a dignified nod except Fleem. Percy sadly nodded and put the snacks back in the bag and gave it back to Migo, despite not wanting the yetis to starve.

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