{•Chapter One•}

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A/n: Welcome, welcome, welcome! This story will most likely be published in chunks and I plan to make each part 2,500-2,700 words. I hope you all enjoy this little journey as you read this story! Love you all!!!

Small note: This entire book will be in third person and the image above is Gwen's outfit.


"Markus Revv-sentenced to death after found guilty for the murder of his entire family, including his own mother," Gwen murmured to herself as she shuffled through a solved case file. She tugged on the edge of the paper to reveal the one underneath. "And even the murder of his unborn child. What a sick and twisted bastard." Reading further down the page, she saw two words that described why the man killed his family.

Psychotic Breakdown

"Well," she cleared her throat. "That explains a lot." Closing the file, she quickly organized the papers as she recorded it into a book with a black pen.

The door to the library swung open, Officer Edward stepping into the large room. He grimaced at seeing the remainders of a few corpses with their heads blown off sprawled on the ground. His nose scrunched up from the putrid smell produced by the rotting corpses. "How the hell do you stand this stench?"

Gwen shrugged her shoulders lightly. "You get used to it after a while. Not like we have any air freshener laying around and it's not like I can walk down the street to the nearest store to buy some."

"With the undead walking the streets, it'll be difficult to gather more food," Elliot said.

"And most of the station is locked due to all the corpses wandering around. The only ones left are you, me, David, and Marvin. God knows when they'll come for us. All the survivors we helped... are dead," Gwen muttered sorrowfully. Her long, inky locks obscured her face when she slumped forward in her seat. "We're in the middle of a death trap with no way to escape."

Elliot pulled out the seat across from Gwen and sat down. "About that..." The officer pulled out his journal and flipped to a page in the middle of the palm-sized logbook. "There's a secret passageway under the goddess statue in the main hall. If we can find the three medallions that are missing, we could possibly get through and escape."

Gwen leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms and legs. "Sounds like something you'd find in a storybook. Why would a police station-let alone a museum-have an underground passage?"

The officer closed his journal with a sigh. "Beats me. All that matters is there's a way to escape this damned building without walking out the front door."

"We're lucky this place has a decent fence and gate. Glad this place was a museum before a police station. It's a shame it won't hold the flesh-eating bastards for much longer. If they keep slamming against the gate and fence in hordes, they'll collapse in the next few days."

"That's why we need to start finding these medallions now! We can't just sit here like a buffet and wait for the monsters to break in and dig in," Elliot said.

"Elliot, two-thirds of this station is plagued with those things! Searching the entire building for three medallions would be suicide! Instead of becoming the buffet, you'll be the one enjoying it if you're not careful! Do you realize how many windows David and I had to board up just yesterday? Seven!" The archivist growled.

"If you're not gonna help, I'll do it myself. Someone's gotta get us the hell outta here." Elliot stood from his seat and stormed out of the library. Gwen sighed annoyingly as she watched the officer leave. Standing up, she laid her pen down on the table before grabbing the records book and heading to the second floor of the library.

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