{•Chapter Eight•}

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A/n: Let's just assume that both Leon and Gwen have deep pockets and can basically carry a school bus in them. Hope you enjoy this next chapter! Love you all!!!
"It's just me, so you can put that thing away," the woman from earlier said as she swayed her hips. Her obscured gaze fell upon the man in the cell as she sauntered up to the bars. Under her sunglasses, her chocolate eyes narrowed at the gruesome sight.

Leon withdrew his pistol and slid it back into its holster. "We don't even know what happened. It just... happened so quick."

The woman's head snapped in Leon's direction. "I told you both to get out of here. You wouldn't want to end up like Ben, would you?"

"So," Gwen started, still refusing to look at the mangled man. "His name was Ben."

"You knew him?" Leon inquired.

"He was an informant. Had information of use to my investigation," she responded.

"What investigation? You can't even give us a slither of information?" Gwen asked.

The woman met the archivist's lapis gaze. "Not a single detail."

"So what he said was true?" Leon interrogates her. Without a response, she turned her back to him and walked away. Gwen couldn't believe for one second the woman was with the FBI with the way she handled herself and why she was alone, but she did have the credentials of a FBI agent. The officer lunged out and grabbed the stranger's arm.

"Hey, you can't keep walking away from us!" The woman yanked her arm out of Leon's grasp and he could feel her glare from under her sunglasses. "We don't even know your name!"

"That's not against the law, is it? Asking for someone's name?" Gwen frowned, glaring at the woman

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"That's not against the law, is it? Asking for someone's name?" Gwen frowned, glaring at the woman.

Leon sent her a scolding gaze before introducing himself and Gwen. "I'm Leon Kennedy and this is Gwendolyn Sparrow."

"Find a way out, Leon, Gwendolyn. Before it's too late. Then we'll talk," she responded with a hint of irritation.

"Still not gonna get a name?" Gwen muttered to herself as the woman walked away.

Just after she said that, the stranger gave them her name. "Name's Ada."

Gwen couldn't help but smirk at the cheeky response, feeling as if she heard her. "And there it is."

"Ada, huh? So, we do have a stalker," Leon said.

"A stalker who's wearing high heels and sunglasses. Must be too bright in here," the young woman snorted with laughter.

Leon smiled in amusement before turning to face a power panel beside the cell. Gwen found a crank and a piece of paper on the table against the wall and picked it up.

The power panel is out. Can the person in charge of it please take care of it ASAP?!

I assume everyone knows, but since the jail's power panel is old as hell, we're gonna need those custom power panel parts no one makes anymore. There should be a few in the generator room.

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now