{•Chapter Six•}

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Gwen took a single step backwards when something shot out of the skinned creature's mouth and wrapped around one of the bodies in the corridor, lifting the corpse up and devouring it. Taking another step back, the floorboard creaked under Gwen's foot. The creature's head snapped in their direction, signaling it heard the minuscule noise.

Leon was about to grab his shotgun when the monster hissed and leapt towards them. "Get down!" He grabbed Gwen in his arms and tackled her to the floor just as the creature flew overhead. The blonde whipped out his shotgun and shot the monster in midair as it tried to pounce on them. It cried out in pain and scrambled away before returning shortly after for round two. Leon fired another two rounds at its head, successfully killing it. Its body was sprawled out on the floor, part of its long tongue protruding from its mouth.

Turning towards Gwen, Leon saw the horror written all over her face. He kneeled beside her and placed a hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb across her cheek. "Gwen, hey, it's alright."

The sable-haired woman expressed her doubts. "Are you sure, Leon? It's not gonna pop back up and attack, is it?"

He shook his head. "No, it's dead." He grabbed her hands and helped her to her feet. "By the sound and look of it, you've never seen one of those before."

"No. I've no clue what that damned thing was. It didn't look or act like a normal zombie. Who knows what the hell it could've been," she exclaimed. "There better not be more of those things around."

"Wouldn't count on it. If there's one, there's bound to be more."

"Truer words have never been spoken," she commented with a small sigh.

"Let's make sure not to stick around so another one can jump us," Leon said.

"Down the hall is the S.T.A.R.S. office and I think this hallway wraps around to the lounge connected to the library. We can reach the unicorn statue and grab the second medallion." Gwen's voice was full of excitement, knowing they would get their hands on the second medallion soon.

The couple entered the S.T.A.R.S. office and searched around. Leon found the armory, but he couldn't access it without a USB with high enough clearance. Gwen had searched the corner office and found a battery. She had been in search for a battery for a while per request of Marvin, but she wasn't sure if he still needed it. The archivist decided to hang on to it and placed it in her hip pouch. With nothing else to scavenge but a red herb and documents, Leon and Gwen left the office.

Down the hall, all the two could hear was the wind and rain blowing in from one of the broken windows. They stepped over bodies as they made their way to the lounge. Inside, they claimed the second medallion and Gwen still had no clue how'd they reach the maiden statue in the storage room above. "What now?"

"The door in the operations room was chained, remember?" Leon pointed out.

Gwen's eyes widened slightly. "I'm glad you remembered that because I didn't. Should we drop off the two medallions we have?"

"Yeah. I'm curious as to how this works."

"So am I."

They left the library and headed to the goddess statue in the main hall. While Leon dealt with the statue, Gwen checked on Marvin. He was laying on his side, eyes closed and face scrunched from the pain. "Marvin, I know you're a stubborn man, but I can make a remedy to ease the pain."

"No, it would be pointless," he grunted, opening his eyes. "I can already feel myself losing control."

"But still, don't you want the pain to go away?"

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now