{•Chapter Four•}

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In the main hall, Gwen wandered down the stairs and saw Marvin's attention glued to the laptop. He didn't even hear her footsteps as she walked down the stairwell. Noticing this, the woman walked over to the lieutenant and placed her hand on his shoulder. "How're you holding up?"

"Not good," Marvin grunted in response. "Where's Leon?"

"He's-" The library door opened and revealed the man himself. "Right there."

Leon walked down the stairs and joined the others. Marvin typed away on the laptop and pulled the recording from one of the many cameras located around the station. "There you are... Come here, take a look."

Leon peered down at the screen and saw someone on the camera feed. He smiled once he recognized who it was. "Yes! I knew she'd make it."

"You know her?" Marvin asked.

Leon nodded. "Yeah, name's Claire. I came into town with her."

"Wait," Gwen interrupted. "Claire as in Claire Redfield?"

"Yeah. You know her?" The blonde asked.

"I don't know her personally, but I do know her brother. He works here in the S.T.A.R.S. Office on the second floor." Gwen turned her gaze from Leon to Marvin. "Isn't he on vacation?"

The lieutenant nodded. "Somewhere in Europe."

"She'll be glad to know he isn't caught up in this mess," Leon said.

"You can get to that courtyard through the second floor... east side," Marvin groaned, pressing his hand against his wound. "Gwen knows the way."

"We're on it," Leon nodded. "Thanks, Lieutenant."

"Before we meet up with Claire, we'll wrap your arm," Gwen quickly spoke up.

"And your hand," Leon retorted.

"And my hand," she repeated with a small smile.

They headed to the front desk where Gwen grabbed the gauze and went to tend to Leon's almost healed arm. Before she could wrap the wound to make it look more convincing, Leon grabbed her wrist to stop her. "Let me wrap your hand first."

She nodded in understanding and handed the gauze to him. Leon gently took her hand with his free one and carefully wrapped it around her injured palm. Gwen winced when the fabric made contact with her cut, but she fought through the small wave of pain so Leon could finish. He noticed her painful expression and apologized. "Sorry."

"No need to apologize. It's not your fault I cut myself." In actuality, Gwen chose to use the superb healing properties in her blood to help with Leon's injury since she cared dearly for him. She prayed he wouldn't figure out about her blood and call her a monster or leave her by herself. If he left for good, she'd have no one left in this world.

"Gwen?" Leon called out, her silence worrying him.

The archivist blinked a few times, realizing she had spaced out for a few seconds. "Sorry, did you say something?"

"No, just worried about how quiet you were. The only time you're this quiet is if there's something on your mind. What's wrong?" He finished wrapping her hand and passed her the remainder of the gauze.

"Oh," she accepted the gauze and tended to his nearly healed arm. "Just... random thoughts that plague my mind."

"Like what?" He asked, wondering what could be racing through her mind.

"If we're gonna survive this or end up being eaten alive." It wasn't exactly what she had been worrying about, but it was a thought that she couldn't fend off. The image of her being alive while zombies bit into her flesh terrified her. It was one of the reasons why she no longer could sleep since the outbreak. In total, she's only had a couple hours of sleep in the past three days.

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now