{•Chapter Five•}

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Inside the east office, Gwen searched for supplies while Leon took care of the zombies that were in the room and crawling through a broken window. Unfortunately, they had no wood to board up either the window in the office or out in the hallway this time around and the archivist made her search quick. She had found some herbs, gunpowder, a flash grenade-which she gave to Leon-, a fuse, and a valve in the corner office.

"That everything?" Leon asked as he killed another corpse.

"Yeah, let's get going. They really like that window."

Leon pulled the chair stacked with items that blocked the double doors and pushed it aside. The moment he opened the doors, a large zombie grabbed him and tried to bite his neck. He screamed out as he struggled against the monster, tryin to push it off. "Leon, the flash grenade!" He grabbed the flash grenade from his belt he had received from Gwen only minutes ago and shoved it into the zombie's gaping mouth. The woman raised her gun and warned Leon. "Close your eyes!"

Following her command, Leon closed his eyes just as Gwen fired a single round. The bullet struck the flash grenade, triggering it and blinding the zombie. Firing a couple more rounds, the archivist killed the monster. Leon calmed his reaching heart as he sighed in relief. "Good thinking. I'll have to try a grenade next time."

"G-Grenade? Where in the world did you find a grenade?!" Gwen demanded as she slid her pistol back in its holster.

"In the supply closet down the hall when I first got here," he nonchalantly responds.

Gwen couldn't help but sigh in disbelief. "A damn grenade in a supply closet..." She cleared her throat and decided to tell Leon about the valve she found. "Anyway, I found a valve in the corner office. Not sure what it's to."

"Take it with us. We might need it. Find anything else?"

"Found the fuse to the shutters. We'll be able to get back to the main hall." Gwen held up the electrical component with a grin.

Leon couldn't help but smile when he saw her smirk. He opened the doors and she followed close behind him down the dark hallway to the fuse box. Gwen placed the fuse back in its original place and the power for the east side was restored. The shutter gradually retracted, revealing the main hall.

When Leon took a single step forward, he staggered and quickly caught himself before he could trip. Gwen tugged on his sleeve, worry apparent in her azure eyes. "You look exhausted. Maybe you should sit down and rest for a while, Leon. If you keep pushing yourself, you'll collapse."

A short rest sounded like an amazing idea in Leon's head since he hadn't slept in almost two days. With all the running around and shooting the undead, his exhaustion only festered further. "Yeah. I'll rest for a short bit."

Gwen suddenly grabbed Leon's arm and slung it over her shoulders. The blonde was flabbergasted at her action, making her smile as she wrapped her other arm around his waist. "In case you need someone to lean on and not end up kissing the floor."

Leon chuckled as he accepted Gwen's help. He wouldn't admit it to her, but he enjoyed how close they were and wished it would last longer. Morosely, the blissful moment ended when Gwen sat him down on a makeshift cot by the front entrance. It may have been a little stiff, but a bed was a bed.

Silently, Gwen watched as he laid down and relaxed. Raising the hand holding the valve, she was determined to find where it belongs and what it would help them achieve. When she saw Leon close his eyes after adjusting a few times, she decided to announce her plans to him. "I'm gonna search the station to see if I can find where this valve goes. I'll try to be back before you wake, Leon."

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