{•Chapter Twenty•}

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A/n: We are nearing the end of this story! I do plan on having a sequel placed in Resident Evil 4. Not sure when I'll post it, but just know there will be another story on the way. Love you all!!!

[Class A] breach detected. Lab quarantined until target is neutralized.

"You've got a plan?" Gwen questioned as she shot the eyes all across the monster's body. It lunged towards her, swiping its sharp claws at her. The young woman dodged the swing and rolled between its legs to avoid being backed into a corner.

"Just shoot and survive," Leon said, firing shell after shell at the twitching eyes. "That's all I got."

Gwen's lips twitched up into a smirk. "I like it." She switched her ammo for the special rounds Marvin had gifted her. It took only two shots for the eye on the monster's back to pop, spurring out a strange, yellow liquid. "Gross. Really don't want to know what that is."

Leon ran past Gwen and circled around the creature. He shot the eye on its leg, but he ran out of shells. "Dammit!"

The young woman searched the room for anything to help and found a grenade. Before pulling the pin, she shouted at the blonde. "Leon, step back!" The officer backed away from the monster as Gwen pulled the pin and rolled the grenade across the ground. The projectile exploded right under the monster's body, now being consumed by flames. Even with its body set aflame, the creature continued to stalk towards Leon.

The archivist reloaded her gun and ran around to shoot the eye on one of the arms protruding from the monster's back. A few bullets later, the eye exploded. The creature groaned and stomped over towards one of the reactors. Piercing the metal with its claws, steam filled the room as it tried to rip the machine from the floor.

Leon took the chance to switch out his shotgun for his magnum and took out the eye on the monster's leg. It growled in pain as it released the reactor and fell to a single knee. Its back arched, the teeth in its chest revealing more eyes.

Leon grabbed the flamethrower and aimed it at the eyes in its chest. He pulled the trigger and flames erupted from the weapon. As the eyes burned, they popped one by one from the intense heat.

Unfortunately, the mutated man recovered and the teeth in its chest closed. Leon quickly backed away from the monster and repeated the same process. Gwen had managed to find a flash grenade and tossed it at the creature. It blinded the enemy and Leon used his pistol to take out the eyes on the arm and leg while Gwen dealt with the optic on its back.

The couple was able to send the assailant back to its knee and shoot all the eyes in its chest. When Gwen went to fire another bullet, the adversary's body collapsed to the floor. Unconvinced, she kicked one of its arms. "Is it... actually dead?"

"Don't know, but it looks like it," Leon said, withdrawing his pistol.

Target has been neutralized. Ending quarantine.

The automated voice stated as a nearby lift was activated. Leon and Gwen used the mechanism to reach the upper level. As they stepped off, they saw Anette struggling with her wounds. Leon saw the gash in her side, blood seeping through her pale blue shirt. "Jesus, that looks bad."

"Feels worse, believe me," Annette's strained voice said.

Gwen rushed over to the injured doctor and placed a hand on her shoulder as she kneeled beside her. "I can help with your injury. Let me-"

"No," Annette shook her head. "I won't let you do that."

"Look," Leon started. "About what you said... I don't know how much I believe it, but we're willing to-"

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now