{•Chapter Seventeen•}

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Leon and Gwen arrived back at the garbage room, pulled the lever, and awaited for the door to open. "Come on..." The officer grumbled impatiently. "Ada?" He called out as he entered the foul smelling room.

"Where is she?" Gwen inquired as she followed Leon.

"Don't know," the blonde replied. "Ada, where are you?!"

"Over here!" Said woman yelled back. The couple ran to her side, eyeing the object embedded into her thigh. "I can't get it out."

Leon was apprehensive about removing the shard from Ada's leg, fearing she would bleed out. "I don't know if I should, uh..."

"Just do it," Ada hissed, unable to hide the pain she was in. "I can't walk like this."

The archivist felt around for the vial she kept in her pocket. "Ada, I can-"

"No," the agent snapped harshly, interrupting Gwen. "I don't want your tainted blood."

The younger woman flinched from the harsh tone, taking a few steps back. Leon saw the hurt in her eyes, his heart aching at the sight. His head snapped down to the injured woman, glaring at her. "Ada." He was about to call out to Gwen, but she had stormed out of the room before he could. The officer knew he needed to tend to Ada's wounds and decided against chasing after his girlfriend.

"Gwen's just trying to help," Leon said as he yanked the shard of metal from Ada's thigh. "She was worried about you, too."

"I know, Leon, but I don't need her blood," the agent retorts. From his hip pouch, Leon pulled out some rubbing alcohol and some gauze. Dabbing the liquid onto the white fabric, he pressed it against her wound. Ada tried to snatch the gauze from Leon, wanting to deal with the open wound herself. "I can do it myself."

"Just... relax, okay?" Leon muttered, wrapping the gauze around her thigh. "So... what do we do now?"

"Get you and Gwendolyn out of here. While you still can." Ada stared up into Leon's eyes, worried about the couple.

"We're not just going to leave you. Not like this."

"You don't understand," Ada sighed. "The situations worse than I thought, especially for Gwen."

"Why's that?" The officer questioned.

"This so called "Doctor Griffyn" is still alive and taking Gwen along is playing directly into his hands. He's still after her, Leon. She's his test subject and won't hesitate to take her back, even if that means killing you to get to her."

"I love her, Ada, and I will do everything in my power to protect her," Leon declared.

"Guess we'll truly see how far your devotion to her goes." Ada slowly got to her feet, staggering from the pain. Leon offered her his shoulder, but she declined vehemently. "Don't push it, rookie."

"Okay..." Leon shrugged. "Just trying to help."

Treading through the garbage, Ada limped past the blonde. She winced with every step she took. "You wanna help? We have to get to the NEST."

"NEST?" Leon pondered, wondering what it referred to.

"Umbrella's lab. Right beneath us. It's most likely the same lab Gwen was held captive for all those years. Annette let it slip. That's where the virus samples are." Ada stopped, head turning to eye Leon. "You up for this?"

"Think I can fit it into my schedule," Leon smirked slightly.

Ada smiled. "Come on, we got work to do."

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now