{•Chapter Nine•}

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Gwen was now even more invested in knowing what happened in Leon's nightmare. She crossed her arms, wondering what scenario could've been set in motion while he slept. "I hope I'm not prying too much, but... how did you lose me?"

Leon rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke. "You were... one of them. I found you in the library, scratching and throwing your body against a door. When you turned around, your skin was rotting and cracking. Blood dripped from your mouth and you attacked me."

The archivist swallowed nervously. "What... did you do?"

"I ran. You were pretty fast, though. Eventually, I slipped and you had pinned me down. I drew my pistol, but..."

"You pulled the trigger, right? To save yourself," Gwen said.

Leon shook his head. "No. I couldn't pull the trigger."

"Leon," Gwen said, standing directly in front of him. She placed her hand against his cheek. "If that were to happen here and now, you need to pull the trigger without hesitating."

He placed his hand over hers and squeezed it gently, staring in her eyes. "Even in reality, I still wouldn't be able to. I'd rather die with you than live without you."

Gwen smiled at the proclamation, but she couldn't help but argue. "No, Leon. You need to survive regardless of what happens to me."

"You're just as stubborn as Marvin, I hope you know that," he mumbled as he removed his hand from hers and placed it on her hip, tugging her body closer to his.

"I've been told by many that I'm stubborn, but that didn't stop you from falling for me," she chortled, kissing him on the cheek.

From the hallway, they heard snarling and barking. Gwen rolled her eyes in annoyance as she sighed, stepping away from Leon. "Damn dogs..."


After terminating the dogs in the hallway, Leon and Gwen passed through the door and up a stairwell. They were back on the first floor of the station. Gwen gasped in awe as they stood at the top of the stairs. "I've been wondering where those stairs led to for a while."

"What part of the station are we in?" Leon asked.

"The east side. That's the break room," Gwen said, pointing to a nearby door. "If we follow this hallway, we'll end up in the watchman's room. For now, let's relax for a little while."

The couple entered the break room and headed to the bunkbeds in the connecting room. Gwen plopped down on one of the beds, laying her head on the pillow. She didn't realize how exhausted she was and only fell asleep a few minutes later.

Leon decided to check on his arm to see how the wound was doing before resting. It hadn't been an issue since Gwen gifted him with what felt like a miracle elixir. Standing in front of the sink in the corner of the room, he unwrapped the gauze from his arm. He turned his body sideways to see the wound in the mirror. "What the-"

The officer's eyes widened in pure confusion and shock when he found no wound. Taking another look at the piece of gauze he took off, he noticed there wasn't a drop of blood on the white fabric. He frantically searched his arm for the gash but found nothing. For a second, Leon thought his exhaustion was blinding him from seeing the injury and he wiped his eyes. Opening his eyes, the wound was still gone and not even a scar was left behind. "How is this possible?"

Leon turned to face the sleeping Gwen and had tons of questions about the medical remedy he received from her. But seeing her slumbering and peaceful face stopped him. He decided to hold his questions for when she woke up and laid down on the bed opposite of Gwen's.

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now