{•Chapter Fifteen•}

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With a small groan of discomfort from the position he had been in for the past hour, Leon's eyes fluttered open and they scanned the area around him. He rolled his left shoulder, feeling no pain whatsoever. On the floor beside him was his sliced up sleeve and a bloodied strip of gauze. One hand danced across the area where the bullet wound once was, not feeling a hint of pain or a drop of blood.

"Gwen..." Leon huffed, assembling the puzzle pieces in his mind. "You really are stubborn..." Speaking of said woman, the officer glanced around and realized she nor Ada was nearby.

Leon pushed himself off the wall and to his feet, wondering where his lover and the agent had wandered off. Ada's trench coat fell to the floor, forever being forgotten. "Gwen? Ada? Where are you?!"

Receiving no response from either woman, Leon grew worried. The young officer wandered off in search of Gwen and Ada. He ascended a small lift after having to summon it. On the upper level, he searched around and heard humming. Further down a small stairwell, he saw a figure reclining against the wall. The humming was coming from the silhouette in the darkness, which he followed without hesitation.

Flashlight piercing the shadows all around him, Leon found the owner of the gentle humming. "Gwen, why're you here? I thought something bad happened to you when I couldn't find you."

"Oh, Leon, you're awake!" Gwen flew to her feet and lost her balance for a split second, but she regained it before falling. "I'm sorry for wandering off. I was curious and wandered up the lift. Found a few things and sat down to rest. You've been out for an hour. How're you feeling?"

Leon sent her a weak, scolding gaze. "I told you to just use gauze."

Gwen pulled at the tip of her fingers, a habit she developed that gives away her nervousness. "I-I know. It's just you looked like you were in so much pain and I couldn't bear it. Yell at me all you like, but I don't regret using my blood."

The blonde rubbed a hand against his forehead, showcasing his frustration. "You're too sweet for your own good... How did you...?"

The archivist blushed, knowing exactly what he was asking. "Oh, um... just mouth-to-mouth. I knew you wouldn't take the medicine if I offered it to you when you awoke, so I decided to give it to you while you were unconscious."

Leon grinned in amusement, crossing his arms. "I almost did the exact same thing when you were unconscious from the fall, but you woke up before I could administer the medicine."

"Maybe I should've woken up a few minutes later," Gwen teased, her own grin sprouting. It dissipated when she remembered the items she found while he was unconscious and in the gun shop. "Oh! I found some-what're you doing?"

The moment Gwen went to hand over her findings, Leon closed the distance between them and backed her into a corner. Stunned into silence, Gwen only could watch as the blonde placed his arms on the wall behind her head, caging her in with his body. Her lapis eyes were wide and brimming with bewilderment as she watched every move Leon made. Her shoulders visibly tensed up when the man leaned in and his lips were mere inches from hers.

The heat radiating from Gwen's cheeks could put the sun to shame. She tried to form a single coherent thought, but her mind was a blank slate. Leon reprimanded his slight hesitation and pressed his lips against hers. Unlike previous kisses, this one was overflowing with passion, hunger, and greed.

In the four years she'd known Leon, Gwen never knew he could possess such deep, passionate love for her and her alone. In reality, he had been her lifeline in the sea of unknown. Unbeknownst to Gwen, the same could be said about her. She was Leon's beacon of light in the darkest of times and he couldn't live without her.

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now