{•Chapter Ten•}

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A/n: And now we finally reach the part of the game where discount Thanos stalks you. Hope you all enjoy this next chapter! Love you all!!!
The two left the storage room and headed through the other door. "Ugh," Gwen groaned when they stepped out onto the balcony and immediately were assaulted by the downpour. "Why does it have to rain? This is like a bad horror movie."

"You can say that again," Leon said, swiping his wet bangs to the side and out of his face. He walked over to the edge of the balcony and descended the ladder.

"Hey!" Gwen shouted out to him. "Be careful! It might be slippery from the rain."

"I'll be care-" Leon was unable to finish his sentence as the ladder broke under his weight. He screamed out as his body fell and collided against the cement below. The broken ladder crashed only inches from his body, but he was lucky it didn't land on him. The heavy metal could've caused a fatal injury.

Leon groaned in pain as Gwen peered over the edge of the balcony with worry in her eyes. "Leon! Oh, god, are you okay?"

"You jinxed me..." He panted as he pushed through the pain. Even though his body was in pain, he still was able to tease Gwen.

The archivist rolled her eyes, knowing he was fine by his comment. "I said it might be slippery. Never said it would break!"

Leon sighed once the pain was gone and got up. His blue eyes traveled up to the balcony, where Gwen was on her knees and peering down at him. He stood below where the ladder was once mounted and smirked up at her. "You're gonna have to jump."

"Wha-are you out of your mind, Kennedy?! I could shatter my ankles from this height!" She whined in protest.

Leon laughed at her. "You're not gonna shatter your ankles. I'll catch you."

"Oh, no, you're not! You just fell, Sherlock!"

"I noticed, Captain Obvious."

Gwen rolled her eyes, knowing the name calling could go on for hours. "Not the point, Leon! I could hurt you more if you were to catch me."

"Gwen, I'm fine. Nothing's broken. The worst thing I'll get out of the fall is a bruise or two. Just jump."

The archivist bit her tongue, holding back her comeback. She knew she had to get down there somehow and this was the only way. "Ugh, shit... Fine! I'm coming down!" Gwen sat down and swung her legs over the edge. Her shorts were soaked from the rain and sitting on the wet cement only added to their soppiness. "Ready?" She asked Leon before jumping.

In response, the officer stretched both arms out. "Don't worry, Gwen. I won't let you fall."

"I might end up kicking you in the face by accident..." Gwen muttered to herself before jumping down.

Without incident, Leon caught Gwen in his arms with a smirk plastered on his face. "Told ya."

Gwen rolled her eyes and huffed. "Whatever, Kennedy." She tried to climb out of Leon's grasp, but it resulted in him tightening his hold on her in his arms. She was confused, staring into his azure eyes with her own beautiful blue ones. "W-What's wrong?"

"Do I get a reward?" He asked cheekily.

Gwen blinked owlishly at his question. "Excuse me?"

"Do I get a reward?" Leon reiterated.

"I'm not a princess, Leon, and this is no fairytale. If it is, it's a very shitty one." Gwen stared deeper into his eyes and realized she wouldn't be winning this round. She flung her head back dramatically before kissing him on the cheek. "There's your reward, my prince. Now will you put me down?"

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now