{•Chapter Twenty-One•}

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Covered in soot and blood, Leon and Gwen managed to reach a large elevator. They found the joint plug for the lift and slid it into the control panel. "Hope this still works," Leon muttered as he pulled the handle.

The elevator lurched forward before slowly beginning its descent. Gwen groaned at seeing how slow the lift was. "This thing better pick up the pace or we'll get caught up in one of the explosions."

As the elevator gradually descended further underground, another round of deafening explosions resonated throughout the underground lab. Gwen held onto the railing as the structure around them crumbled, flames threatening to scorch them into nothingness. Another sound accompanied the explosions, an all too familiar sound that had been haunting them since the station. "Oh, shit..." Leon cursed as he looked up behind them and spotted the tyrant.

Gwen followed his gaze and spotted the large man. "Did he... mutate?" She questioned as rubble rained down upon them.

Leaping, the brute landed on the elevator, causing the stone lift to shake from the impact. Leon steadied himself as he reached for his pistol. Gwen released her death grip on the railing and grabbed her handgun.

With limited space, the duo ended up dancing around the elevator with little room to maneuver. They shot round after round, but nothing seemed to be working. "Leon, try using the flamethrower!" Gwen suggested as the tyrant targeted her. He leapt through the air and slammed his fists on the ground right beside the woman, causing her to stagger.

Leon took the flamethrower and aimed the nozzle at the brute. Fire consumed the tyrant's body, but it didn't stop him from pursuing the officer. "Nothing's working!"

"And I'm almost out of ammo!" Gwen wailed as she shot another round at the brute. "What is this thing made of? It's absorbing whatever we throw its way!"

"How much special ammo do you have left?" Leon suddenly questioned.

"Five rounds. Why?"

"Just use your normal ammo. We need to save those special bullets. We can't risk wasting every bullet we have left."

Gwen did as Leon said and switched out her ammo. "I only have twelve bullets left. If this doesn't work..."

"We can and will kill this thing," Leon said. "I know we will."


After a long struggle with the tyrant, the automated voice returned and warned there were only four minutes left until the whole lab was destroyed. "This isn't good!" Gwen wailed as she dodged the adversary.

He stomped over to Leon, the officer being his next target. "We need something that packs more of a punch." Right after stating that, a weapon case slid down the shaft and right in front of him. "Where did this thing come from?!"

"I'll keep him busy! Make it quick, Leon!" Gwen drew the tyrant's attention from the officer and made him chase her around a wedge of debris that had collapsed onto the elevator.

Leon opened the case, revealing the rocket launcher inside. Seeing it was already loaded, he hoisted the heavy weapon over his shoulder and aimed it at the brute. "Hey, asshole!" The adversary turned his head at hearing Leon's shouting. "Eat this!"

Pulling the trigger, a single rocket sailed towards the brute. An ear-piercing explosion rang out once the projectile made contact. When the cloud of smoke disappeared, the only thing left of the tyrant was the lower part of his body. Gwen was amazed yet disgusted at the sight. "Where was that when we needed it earlier?"

"Don't know. It just slid down the elevator shaft. Talk about a stroke of luck," Leon exhaled, throwing the strap of the weapon over his shoulder.

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now