{•Chapter Three•}

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As Gwen was checking the desks in the middle of the office, Leon was scrounging around in the lieutenant's office. The silence in the room was interrupted when the archivist heard Leon fire a couple of shots. She nearly tripped over Officer Scott's body as she rushed to the small office in the back. Standing in the doorway, she spotted her friend standing behind the desk with his gun raised. A corpse belonging to one of the janitors laid on the floor in front of the desk. "Let me guess-he wasn't really dead, just faking."

"Yeah. Bastard would've had me if I hadn't turned around fast enough," Leon sighed.

Gwen stepped into the office and nudged her foot into the corpse's side. "The ones who play dead are the worst out of all of them. Better watch where we step, too. Some of them like to crawl and gnaw on your ankles if you're not careful. Find anything useful in here during your search?"

"Only a few rounds. Besides that, nothing. What about you?" Leon inquired as he emerged from behind the desk.

"I've a surprise for you," she smirked.

Leon was curious and wary of the surprise Gwen spoke of. "And what's that?"

She tossed something towards the officer, who caught it with ease. "It's a high capacity mag. Found it on your desk with a note from Marvin. Apparently, he locked your desk and your first assignment would've been to unlock it yourself. I went ahead and did it for you. It should fit your handgun."

"This'll be helpful in the long run," Leon said as he switched out his current magazine with the high capacity one. "It'll take a little more time to reload, though."

"At least we found something useful in this office. Now, to the dark room to develop that film roll you found," Gwen declared, receiving no argument from Leon. The duo left the office and shuffled down the hallway leading to the stairs. At the very end, they saw a single zombie trying to break through the window.

Leon rushed past Gwen and searched for anything to block it from entering when the glass shattered from its constant pounding. Fortunately, he found a few slabs of wood and boarded up the window. The moment he took a step away from the window, it shattered. With the wooden slats in the way, the monster couldn't enter the building no matter how hard it tried.

Gwen caught up and grabbed Leon's hand. She tugged him to a door located under the stairwell and opened it. Inside, Leon hands over the roll of film from the safety deposit room to Gwen, who takes it to the back room. She disappears for a few minutes before returning with a picture in her hand and a pep in her stride. "The book shown in this picture is in the library. I found it yesterday while reorganizing one of the bookshelves. According to the picture, we need to find this statue and return the book to it."

"Any idea where the statue is?" Leon asked.

"I'm not sure, but I do remember a few officers moving artwork and other things the museum curator left behind to a room in the eastern wing. Maybe we'll find it there."

Suddenly, Leon's walkie talkie blipped. From the device they heard Marvin's voice telling them to return to the main hall. They knew it must've been important, but they decided to take the long way back in order to snag the book from the library and because the way they came was blocked off.

Since Gwen knew the station's layout better than Leon, she took the lead up the stairs. On the second level, they encountered two zombies, but the archivist made quick work of the corpses with only two bullets.

As they headed to the third floor, Leon decided to ask Gwen a few questions. "How'd you get a job as the station's only archivist at the age of eighteen?"

"Marvin gave me the job. I was an intern under the wing of Gale Harrison. She was the previous archivist, but her husband passed away and she quit her job. I had only been an intern for a couple of months, but Marvin entrusted me with the job," Gwen said.

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