{•Chapter Twelve•}

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With help from the large gear Leon had found in the east storage room, he and Gwen were able to get the clock working. The bell rang, banging against the steel cage around it and eventually fell from the ceiling, crashing against the floorboards. "Hope I don't have to write a report on this..." Leon grumbled.

"I'm surprised it didn't fall through the floorboards." Gwen walked over to the collapsed bell and grabbed the familiar yellow and orange box. She ripped open the flap and took the electrical part, placing it in her pocket alongside the other component. "We've got what we need. Time to head back to the jail."

When the couple went to leave the clock tower, they heard the door from down the hall open with a loud bang. Leon and Gwen knew the only person capable of such brutality and immediately backed away from the door quietly. They held their breath, waiting for the adversary to walk by. When the heavy footsteps passed the door, Leon went to peer out it but was stopped when Gwen pulled him away from it. "We need to reach the other end. We'll wait for him to pass by again and then head out. The door on the other side leads to the storage room where you found the gear," she whispered.

"Alright. We'll wait for him to head back to the library," Leon said. The duo stood by the door, listening to the stomping man and the zombies on the other side.

What felt like hours was only minutes. The tyrant lumbered passed the door and headed back into the library. Gwen pulled out her pistol, reloading the clip. Leon followed suit, knowing they'd have to kill the zombies in order to pass. They also knew the sound would attract the brute's attention and wouldn't have time to spare after killing the monsters.

Gwen glanced at Leon, gripping her gun with both hands and a smirk present on her face. "You ready, blondie?"

Leon glanced at her with a raised brow and a grin spreading across his face. "Ready, shortcake."

The young woman glanced down briefly before meeting Leon's teasing gaze. "Did you just give me a nickname based off my height?"

"You are short," he chuckled.

"I'm five-one!"

"Gwen, that's short."

"Ugh!" Gwen huffed, rolling her eyes.

Leon smiled at her frustrated expression. "I think it suits you. You're stuck with it."

"Then you're stuck with "blondie" until I figure out a better nickname," the archivist retorts. "I'll try to make sure it's embarrassing."

"I look forward to it," the officer smirked victoriously.

The couple left the clock tower and shot the zombies in their way. Without hesitating, they stormed across the corridor until they reached the storage room on the east side. Leon unlocked the door just as they heard the titan's hurrying footsteps.

With all their strength, the duo ran all the way to the jail without stopping. They had lost the tyrant and were able to catch their breath before tinkering with the electrical panel. Gwen slumped her body against the stone wall, placing a hand over her racing heart as she panted. "Too much... running..."

Unlike Gwen, Leon was used to running long distances and was able to catch his breath easily. "At least those long jogs at the academy are paying off."

"Good for... you, sweetheart..."

Leon glanced at Gwen for a split second with a smile etched across his face. ""Sweetheart"?"

The young woman pushed her body off the wall, heaving a heavy sigh. "We're dating and I've a right to use that term. Though, a zombie apocalypse isn't exactly what I had in mind for a first date. I've been grabbed, pounced on by a zombie dog, strangled, fell from the second floor... What else could possibly happen to us at this rate? I think we've completed an entire list of near-death experiences."

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now