{•Chapter Eighteen•}

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The two guards tossed Gwen's body onto the examination table in Doctor Griffyn's lab. They locked the restraints around her wrists and ankles. They took the pistol from her holster and tossed it on a small table beside the examination table. She struggled to free herself from the cold, metal straps, but she ended up wearing herself out. The two guards wandered over to the entrance of the lab, standing beside the door. Damon types away at his computer, ignoring the desperate cries from the archivist. "It is almost perfected."

"What could you possibly do that you haven't done before?" Gwen whimpered, her voice shaking.

"Those were mere samples of the cures to all viruses we have on file. Your blood could cure any illness or heal any wound in the world. There is one flaw, though, and I plan on fixing it."

"W-What flaw?" The inky-haired woman nervously asked.

"Are you honestly that curious or are you trying to distract me?" Damon growled. "Regardless of either option, it wouldn't hurt to tell you. After all, it is your body. The cures that have bonded with your blood can only be activated in a short frame of time after leaving your body. With the new concoctions I'm synthesizing, the chemicals' effects will be activated while inside your body and will no longer have a timeframe. You'll be a walking, breathing miracle and harvesting your blood will be less of a hassle with the timeframe wiped out."

Gwen bit her bottom lip, tears streaming down her cheeks. After the tests, her blood would no longer be red and remain silver until the day she died. "You bastard..."

"Call me what you like, but you'll be my greatest creation. With blood that can heal and cure everything, people around the world will pay million-hell, even billions-to get a single vial of your blood. With the timeframe erased, shipping worldwide won't be difficult at all," Damon chuckled, rubbing his hands together greedily. "I can already see the piles of money."

"That's all I am to you? A way to get rich quick?" Gwen retorts vehemently.

"Why else would you still be alive?" Doctor Griffyn snarled. "If this experiment had failed, you'd already be dead. Out of all the children I've tested on, you're the only one that has survived the tests."

Gwen's eyes widened at the revelation. "I'm... I'm not the first...?"

"You're the seventy-sixth child I've tested on, but you're the first one I haven't killed. You're resilient, I'll give you that."

"You've killed innocent children! How could you?!" Gwen strained against the metal straps pinning her to the table.

"Money makes anyone do crazy things, Miss Sparrow," the doctor snickers. "I bet if I paid your boyfriend a hefty sum, he'd completely forget about you."

The young woman shook her head, her bottom lip quivering. "No, you're wrong about Leon! He... He would never..."

"I saw what happened in the cable car. Did you forget Umbrella has eyes and ears everywhere? How do you think I received intel on your arrival and was able to find you so quick, hm? It seems you truly don't know everything about Mister Kennedy, Gwendolyn." Damon stood from his chair and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his white lab coat. "He traded a pebble for a gem. Quite an exchange, really."

Gwen knew of the games Damon liked to play, but she couldn't help but find truth in his words. She turned her head, allowing herself to drown in sorrow. While her attention was focused on the wall, Doctor Griffyn sauntered over to a large cabinet full of numerous of chemicals. He grabbed five different chemicals and stared down at the clipboard on the table beside the cabinet. "20 CC's..." He grabbed a pen and crossed out the twenty and wrote another number above it. "Better make it 40."

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now