{•Chapter Nineteen•}

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Leon reached for his magnum, but Damon fired another warning round. "I'm standing right here, Mister Kennedy. If you want to grab your gun, you better be expecting a bullet between your eyes. Now," the doctor waved his pistol at the officer. "Move away from her."

Leon glared daggers at the man. "Like hell I'm-"

"Leon," Gwen called out, interrupting him. The blonde ripped his gaze from Doctor Griffyn to the archivist. "Just... do as he says." By the look in her eyes, Leon knew she had something planned.

The officer released Gwen and slowly stepped away from her. Damon kept his pistol aimed at the blonde while addressing the young woman. "Now, Gwendolyn, come here."

At the doctor's demand, Gwen climbed off the examination table and stood on her weak, shaky legs. She used whatever she could to support her body as she made her way over to the psychotic doctor, who was grinning sinisterly. "Good girl." When she was in arm's reach, Damon grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him. She nearly fell from the doctor yanking on her arm, but she was able to keep her balance as his grip on her tightened. "Now, Mister Kennedy, if you move an inch from that spot and follow us, I'll make sure to put bullets in your legs."

While Damon was distracted, Gwen found the knife he used on her earlier and grabbed it. Without reservation, she plunged the blade into the arm holding the pistol. The doctor's shrill cries filled the room as the woman yanked the blade out of his arm. Raising the knife again, she impaled Griffyn's other arm. He was forced to release her due to the immense pain and his pistol clattered against the floor.

Blinded by hatred, Gwen knocked Damon to the ground and pinned him to the floor. She drove the knife into his chest multiple times, blood splattering all over her. She cursed him as she kept stabbing him over and over again even after he stopped screaming.

"Gwen," Leon called out to the distraught woman, receiving no response. "Gwen!" He lunged forward and grasped her wrist before she could stab the dead doctor again. "He's dead."

"He put me through hell just so he could get rich! This bastard deserves more than this!" The woman shouted, fighting against Leon's grip. The officer didn't let go and used his other hand to pry her fingers from around the handle. Gwen dropped the knife and was pulled off Damon's body into Leon's arms. He didn't care about the blood on her clothes as he hugged her tightly.

Even during the hug, Gwen's heated gaze never left Damon's corpse. Blood pooled around the man's body, his eyes wide and void of life.

After a few minutes, Leon released Gwen once she had calmed down. The archivist headed to a nearby sink and used towels she found under the sink to clean herself up. The crimson liquid stained her clothes, but she was able to scrub her skin clean of the blood.

Leon helped her clean the blood from her sable locks. While he was scrubbing her hair with the hot water, he noticed a streak of white. The blonde hadn't noticed the snowy strand until now. "When'd you get highlights?"

Gwen placed the towel she was using down, confusion written on her face. "What do you mean?"

"There's a white streak in your hair," he replied.

Frantically, Gwen searches the lab for any reflective surface. When she found one, she eyed the white in her hair. "Is this... a side effect of the chemicals?"

"Well," Leon smiled. "I kind of like it."

A smile blossomed on the young woman's face. "Then, I guess I can't completely hate it." She pecked him on the cheek, her smile widening. Before departing the dead doctor's lab, Gwen grabbed her pistol and placed it back into its holster.

Resident Evil 2: Moondrop Blood (Leon Kennedy x OC)Where stories live. Discover now