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Donghyuck's Pov.....

I must say I've never seen Mark like that, He must have loved my brother so much right? Sadly my love story would crash once Jeno finds out about the babies. Ever since Taeyong hyung died, Mark hadnt left the room. He cried so much on my brothers tomb, louder than his children. It was as if his world had been shredded.

"Pack everything. We are moving to Seoul." Was the only words he mumbled after a fortnight of locking himself up.

I sighed, looking at the baby boys who giggled at me with gummy smiles. Though my whole university dream was dead, they seemed to make me smile out of the blues. Carrying them was hard, I knew nothing and they kept bitting at my already sore empty nipples which made me wear hoodies even if I was hot.

"Gooo~~" HaeMin twitched sweetly on my lap. As MinHae was fast asleep on my chest. What saddened me the most was that Mark seemed to dislike all three of us. Well I wasnt Taeyong. And they remind him of his wife. He used to adore me before yet now he rarely even spoke to me anymore, let alone touch the babies that he fathered.

He left, Didnt care about what I'd eat or drink or what I'd give the babies. The condo had not been used for years and sadlyI knew very little Korean having being born and bread in Vancouver. My allowance stopped ever since hyung died. What do I do now Taeyong? With babies on both my hands and praying that I dont come across Jeno I walked into the nearest but farthest Coffee shop I could find.

"Opps. I am afraid we are closed." A sweet Chinese looking boy turned around similing then stopped and walked towards me. Perhaps I looked so exhausted, worn out and all the jetlag was killing me.

"Can I have a job here? Please? I need to feed my babies." I seemed pathetic.

"Of course. I'm Renjun. Have you eaten?" Renjun carried Min from me as I shook my head.

"No. Maybe later." I whispered, Renjun took me to the kitchen and made some milk for my twins. I felt grateful.

"Are you a drop out of University? Me too. My parents crashed last year. So I had to take over this Café. And live with my boyfriend Jaemin." The Chinese smiled as Min and Hae sucked at their tiny milk bottles.

"I ummm......I'll tell you about me someday. I need to go." I sighed feeling dizzy with hunger.

"We can be friends. Ohh your shift starts at 8:00." Renjun smiled waving at me, I walked back home with the twins.

Mark hadnt come home, Well he never came, even if he did he would always lock himself up. My life was a ruin but the babies made it better.

"Booo..." Minhae played with my finger while Haemin sucked on my thumb.

"What will you guys called me? Step mom or Mommy? Or Nanny?" They were beautiful, I wish Taeyong hyung was still alive. Then maybe Id someday have a family with Jeno. My own children but then again I loved my twins already.

I suddenly started coughing when I got the smell of cigarette smoke. Hyuck he smokes alot. Almost a chain smoker. Taeyong hyungs voice echoed in my mind. And I sadly had astma which made me unable to breath properly right now. Mark was a very rich man, an adult, had his fashion company around the world. But lost his wife and wouldnt touch his babies but only smoke his life away.

I was afraid to reach out to tell Mark so I carried my twins to the attic and curled into a ball with them close to my chest. The bed was warm but the wind was cold yet we were safe.

"Gaaa~ Maaa~~" Haemin squirmed in his pram. The other twin fast asleep as I helped around the Café. It was hard but managable.

I met Jaemin, a golden haired crack head with a very big heart. He was clingy and lovable. It had been quite a hard job to be a mother, changing the pampers and pee gave me a headache. When university children came it broke my heart, what can I do? Nothing. I was a mother now. But still a virgin I still have my first kiss too.

"Earth to Hyuck!!" I heard Jaemin swat my head with a dead panning face.

"Yes idiot?" I clicked my tongue.

"The most famous Fashion Company, The LeeTae Vogue's CEO has come here for a meeting. Help me get their coffee's done." Jaemin begged making me giggle. It was as if we had been best of friends in our past life.

What shocked me was Mark stitting on the end, his face grim and dangerous. He didnt seem to notice so Jaemin and I placed out the coffee cups.

"Okay. You're hot." I heard a voice giggle.

"You are cold. Shut up." Jaemin snapped at the man. Silencing him with one go.

We walked out, going back to our usual duties. Thats when my babies started crying. The twins werent stopping their crying, it made me so worried.

"Maybe they are sick." Renjun felt their temperatures.

"What do I do?" I fumbled with my fingers. Me myself feeling alot sick with all this pressure on my nerves.

"Take them to the pediatrition." Jaemin carried Min. I nodded as I followed the golden haired boy out of the coffee shop with Hae in my arms.

"Whats wrong?" Mark hyungs voice stopped me in my tracks.

"T-They a-are having a fever." I whispered feeling my body heat up. He frowned reaching for Hae but then got a call. He handed me a black card.

"Use it for their expensence." He ordered and left.

"Is he the father?" Jaemin asked me, I nodded smiling, though my heart was crashing.

Maybe if I died in the car crash too then Taeyong hyung wouldnt have died. Then Mark hyung would still be the same right?

Hae sniffled into my neck as we drove to the hospital. Baby snot spreading on my shirt.

"Please be okay babies." I whispered kissing their foreheads.

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