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2 Years

Donghyuck couldnt stop himself from falling for his brother in law who seemed still hung upon his previous wife. Mark was still in love with Taeyong, It hurt Donghyuck too much, though Jeno often called him he wasnt into the man anymore. Jaemin and Renjun were the best and Chenle was a darling loud speaker. Min and Hae were little satans causing trouble every now and then. Yet Mark lee still hlad his distance with the younger. The twins were growing up fast, they jabbered alot making Donghyuck loose his sanity most of the time.

"Mama? Why you crying?" Min sat next to a sniffling beauty.

"Mama hit his pinky." Donghyuck lied.

"Clumsy Mama dolly. Let me kiss the boo boo." Hae kissed Donghyucks pinky finger making the younger smile through tears.

Sadly, Donghyuck happened to avoid Mark alot since the man seemed to be distracted by a girl in his office. It hurt, Not that the younger wanted his brother in law to love him but still it hurt so much.

"Hyuckie? Why isnt lunch ready yet. I said Koeun would come over today." Marks voice sounded from the door way making him quickly wipe his tears off.

"Y-Yes." Donghyuck pushed passed Mark not even looking at him.

"Whats gotten into your mother boys?" Mark groaned ruffling his black dark hair.

"Mama sad. He cry lot lot." Min pouted sadly and Hae nodded.

"Oh so you are the boy he speaks off." Koeun a rather not so pleasent looking girl with a tight fitting dress looked at the beauty who shuffled around trying cook.

"Koeun meet my sons. Minhae and Haemin." Mark came in to the kitchen with the twins.

"Woah they look so much like you." Koeun giggled patting their chubby cheeks.

"Hyung your coffee." Donghyuck was trembling as he accidently tripped and dropped the mug on Koeun earning a shriek and a slap from the girl.

"Filthy servent boy!! How dare you touch me!! Disgusting." Koeun spat at Donghyuck who tried to help.

"I-I'm not a servent." Donghyuck was shaking.

"Oh shut up! I know what you are! A fucking slut! Go sleep on the streets bitch!" Keoun stood up and Donghyuck slapped her for hurting his pride after he had scarified his whole life for the twins.

"DONGHYUCK! Whats wrong with you?" Mark shouted at the smaller and the twins hugged their mother when he flinshed and stepped back.

"S-She c-crossed her limits. Lets go babies." Donghyuck tried to leave but Mark slammed the younger on the wall.

"She did nothing!! You crossed you fucking limits! Stop acting like you are a part of this family! When you are clearing a fucking servent and you are not their mother!!! Mark slapped Donghyuck hard not realizing what he had done. But the smaller wasnt weak. He slapped Mark back as he stormed off the kitchen with his twins. When realization hit the older he wanted to hang himself. He fucked up.

"Finally. I say get rid of that vermin. Lets be married yeah?" Koeun played with Marks tie but was shoved off.

"Get out you slut. Happy? Now that you ruined my family? You knew I loose my temper when I'm stressed and dont pay heed to what I shout!? GET OUT!" Mark practically pushed her outside as he locked the door and ran upstairs to Donghyucks room.

"Hyuck!! Open the door! Please!! I'm so sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you!!" Mark kept banging on the woodrn door until Hae open the door for his father. Donghyuck lay curled in bed, crying his heart out into the fluffy pillow. Mark sat next to him as he caressed the bruised cheek but Donghyuck pushed him away as he scrambled back and fell off the bed.

The whole night not a word was spoken, Donghyuck started packing his clothes, no matter how hard Mark begged him not to leave he paid no heed. He was beyond hurt. He shattered to the core of his very soul. It was all true anyways. So writing a letter to the man who fell on his knees and hugged his waist begging him not to go to the point Donghyuck had nodded and pretended to sleep.

Dear Mark Lee,

I scarified my teenage life for the twins, My brother gave birth to them and handed them over to me. If It werent for I, they would have straved to death. I am leaving, with my twins, true you would no longer have your servent to do your dirty laundary and dishes and cook your food. I might not be their mother biological but I am by heart. You dont deserve them. Bring in girls, sluts like Koeun, As if I care, Goodbye.

Lee Donghyuck and the Twins.

With that Donghyuck stepped out the house as he drove away from Mark Lee and all the hurt. The kiss he shamlessly stole from Marks brusied cheek made him feel bad but sadly he left. Driving into the new morning of his life.

When Mark woke up and saw the note on the fridge he felt like he wanted to give up on everything. He never meant to hurt Donghtuck. He liked the younger, alot. He called the boys phone but the phone called was cut repeatedly. Mark drove to the cafe Donghyuck worked, thankfully he saw the younger but Jaemin refused to let him in afraid Renjun might kill him.

And so the gorgeous brunette stopped talking to Mark Lee. No matter how hard Mark tried Donghyuck was never was amused. There was a time where Mark dashed a glass table and Donghyuck thought he died, fussing about yet not a word was spoken. Mark really did fuck up.

"Please speak to me." Mark would beg but Donghyuck would always walk away. It hurt him so much. Well it hurt both of them so fucking much that it was killing them, Alas, Mark never imagined that Donghyuck would refrain from talking to him for years. But, It became brutaly true.

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