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Nine months, And Donghyuck was fading.

"Mama up!!" Hae cried still slight feverish.

"Son let Mama be. He's pregnant." Mark carried his pouting son.

"Sorry Dada. I'll go sleep with Min." The son kissed their cheeks and walked off.

Donghyuck sat on the bed pale and fragile. His smile forced his lips chapped. A trembling hand asking for Marks. The older took the cold arm as he crawled beside his wife.

"Ducklings." Mark kissed the soft neck.

"K-Kiss m-me." Donghyucks voice a mere whisper.

And so Mark kissed those quivering lips. Slow and careful afraid he might break his baby duck. When they pulled away Donghyuck hugged Mark tightly buring his face into his neck.

"I-I want watermelons." Donghyuck giggled.

"Lets go then." Mark carried his fragile pregnant wife carefully downstairs as he sat him on the kitchen counter.

"I-I'm due in a day Mark." The brunette pouted when Mark kissed the prutruding baby bump and then handed him a slice.

"I'll tie you to my heart. Remember that I'll die with you." The old pecked Donghyucks lips.

"Our babies would be orphaned Simba." Donghyuck muched on the fruit dangling his bare legs.

"Our poor bubs." Mark nuzzled his nose in Donghyuck stomach.

"Ahhh.....Uhh.." Donghyuck bit his lip in pain once he finished his slice and washed his mouth.

"Yellow Duckling you okay?" Mark carried the younger back to bed and tucked him in.

"Hold my hand." Donghyuck held Marks arm tightly as they fell asleep.

Donghyuck didnt get the pain on his due date. He was perfectly okay these past few weeks. Weak but fine. The brunette held Marks arm all day all night. Even when Mark was showering.

"Mama how do I do this math?" Min pouted on Donghyuck lap.

"Here like this.....Hae...Hae call Dada!!" Donghyuck dropped the pencil, his sight getting glichy.

"Dada!!!" The twins screamed as Mark rushed to the living room from the kitchen.

"Duckie whats happening?" Mark fell on his knees and Donghyuck held Marks arms so tight it would snap.

"Ahhhhh!!! The.....uhhhh...the babies!! My back hurts!!!!" Donghyuck's water broke as the brunette began to shake like a tidal wave.

Lucas was called,Renjun and Jaemin helped Mark carry the pregnant boy. Chenle stayed with Jisung and the crying twins. As the Chinese drove to the hospital Donghyuck's whole body was turning cold.

"Mark!!!! It hurts so much!!! Ahhhh......." Donghyucks breaths were turning into loud whistles, He was crying, scrapping Marks skin in pain.

"Duckling hold on. We are almost there please. Dont leave me." Mark held the boys arms.

Donghyuck was placed on the stretcher as Mark was dragged along with the smaller. Sicheng was afraid of how the youngers body figetted in pain. The deep empty breaths Donghyuck inhaled, his bare legs kicking the air.

"Mark!!! Ahhhh!!" Donghyuck squeezed Marks hand choking on his sobs. "It hurts so much! Hold.....Hold me...Please." The brunette held Marks arm so tightly that his nails dug in, blood spurted out but Mark was on his knees crying.

"I'm holding you Duckie." Mark stammered standing up as it was time Donghyuck had to start pushing. The hardest part.

"Push Hyuckie." Sicheng patted Donghyuck baby bump.

The brunette pushed and pushed so hard but his baby refused to pop out. Donghyuck was in too much pain. The pain was unbearable, Lucas was a mess so was Jungwoo. Renjun was crying on Jaemin. And Mark? He was dying watching his baby yellow duckling in so much pain. The first child was born, their little girl.

"I-I c-cant......" Donghyuck screamed in broken sobs as he was said to push with all his might again.

"You are the strongest Duckles." Mark kissed the sweaty forehead as Donghyuck cried hoplessly.

Their son was born, with all the crying Donghyuck was turning paler than he already was. His legs spread, his life slowly betraying him. He was breaking Marks wrist, he pushed and pushed for the third time but he had little to no strength at all left in his pale body.

"Duckling I love you." Mark kissed Donghyucks quivering cold lips.

"M-Mark dont l-let me go!! I-I love you please......Mark It hurts so much." Donghyuck begged into the olders kiss.

"J-Just once more and then its done. I'll never let you go ever." Mark pulled away.

Mark was fading in Donghyucks vision, He gripped the older arm as tight as he could. He kept staring at his husband, He didnt want to let go. He pushed with all his strength that was left in his fragile body. His insides felt like it were torn from his body as he cried louder and louder. Mark was having a mental trauma, Taeyong never suffered so much but his duckling was breaking bit by bit along with his heart.

"MARKKKKK!!!" Donghyuck screamed so loud Mark hiccuped on his sobs.

"Hyuck push harder." Sicheng urged the boy to push hard enough for the baby to be born.

Donghyuck silent screamed at Mark that he cant. The grips on their arms were getting tighter by the hour. The brunette cried until his voice was hoarse , his voice was lost his face paler than chalk.

"Mark........" Donghyuck whispered so softly Marks heart squeezed in pain.

"Duckie you can do it." Mark smiled faintly.

With a blood curdling scream their third boy was born with cries that made many smile in joy. Lucas and Jungwoo hugged each other, Renjun and Jaemin came running up to the room door. They were all happy, Mark smiled at their thriplets. But the older blood ran cold when those stubby arm lost its grip on his arm as it felt limp on the  bed with a soft silent thud. With a sickening fear he looked down at the pale lifeless arm, looking up to the gorgeous face that was flat on the other side of the pillow. A lingering smile on Donghyuck plump chapped lips.

"Duckling!!" Mark patted his wife chubby face but it just fell limp on the pillow.

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