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A fortnight passed as the brunette was still sick, he had no timd to take care of himself since his babies were his first priority. Mark, as always never came home, if he did he often stared at his silver wedding ringn as he smoked or got himself drunk. Donghyuck looked haggered, his big gorgeous eyes gloomy but still managed to smile like nothing was wrong. Jaemin got him enrolled into one of those great universities with the help of his parents and so Donghyuck left in the morning to study. Renjun took care of Chenle and ths twins since he thought he couldnt have a work load when he had a five year old child and a cafe to take care.

"Hyuck. Rest for atleast a day." Renjun sighed when Donghyuck rocked his children on his arms.

"I need to go home now." The brunette whispered walking into the darkness his eyes failing.

The babies were almost two months old, they spoke of baby language with the beautiful man they were nutured from. Donghyuck smiled, kissing their cheeks as he stumbled into his house and immidiately was slapped with a strong smell of cigarettes. Thats when the astma took a toll on the small body making Donghyuck started breathing so hard.

"Oh hyuck. Sorry about the mess." Mark puffed out a big ball of smoke at the children and boy.

"S-Stop s-smoking!!" Donghyuck took the children away as he tucked them to bed and stumbled out to find his inhaler.

"Hyuck whats wrong?" Mark stood up walking towards his brother in law.

"I-If you w-want m-me to die so much. I'll kill my self. S-Stop i-it." The younger collasped on the olders body.

"Hyuck!! Donghyuck!!" Mark shook the boy but no answer escaped the boys plump full lips.

He was layed on bed, as the older dabbed his sweating forehead to seize the fever that burnt the boys skin. Mark stayed up the whole night, opening the windows so the smell would be gone by morning. When morning dawned, his babies wailedmaking Donghyuck jolt and pull himself to the twins crying. Mark watched them as the boys latched their tiny mouths onto the empty buds crying louder soon after.

"You need not go to work." Mark sighed carrying Min from a drowy Donghyuck that dressed himself up.

"So they could strave to death?" The brunette snapped lifting the children and placing in their pram.

"Hyuck, please." Mark ruffled his black damp mane.

"Why do you care!? Selfish man? All you care about is yourself! Taeyong was my blood brother! My only other family! My mother when I needed one! Its I who is been given the responsibilities of YOUR children! I became an orphan. Not you Mark Lee!! I have nothing to eat, no money for my studies! Look at me! No love no reason to be living anymore." Donghyuck slapped the older across his face, he honestly didnt know why but he was too frustrated right now.

"Mamm.....Ma......Mammma.. Mama!!!" Hae sniffled as Min had a scary expression on his face. Donghyuck choked on his sobs, smiling for the first time genuinely. He never once imagined he'd be so happy If someone called him Mama.

"M-My b-baby!" Donghyuck sniffled as he carried the child happily.

"Mama!! Mama boo weee!!" The child clapped his little arms as it giggled and buried his face into the mothers neck.

Mark saw Taeyong before him and not his little brother,  why was life so difficult for them. Haemin leaped forward making Donghyuck take a step forward and crash into Marks shoulder. He surprisingly was so tall. Mark smelt of the rain, raw and inviting.

"Dadha!! Dadha~" Min giggled snapping the two males out of the awkwardness.

"You like Dada?" Mark smiled sweetly at his son who looked so much like Taeyong.

"Dahh. Boo wee hee." Min giggled sweetly making Marks go all gooy.

"Hae no stop biting it!! Ouch!!" Donghyuck crunched his face as Mark saw how his baby son seemed to be nibbling on Donghyucks left bud. "Bad cat." The brunette pouted.

"Mama!! Boo!!" Hae seemed to sniffle at the man who he believed was his mother which made Min do the same.

Mark unconciously chuckled at the suffering boy who pouted at the twins but glared at the tall man before him.

"Get lost Mark Lee!" Donghyuck snapped at the older.

As the broken boy watched his brother in law being called Mama, and as he saw him play the roll of mother in his childrens lives he wanted to scream so loud and cry. Wail so loud so his soul would give up and go to his wife. Lee Taeyong. Donghyuck could never take his place. Never, He might live to be Marks childrens mother, but never Marks love. He vowed to never fall in love with Donghyuck, he mustn't.

"I wish I was never born to see this day where I'd be orphaned with two children and a man who would never love me.  Perhaps If I had never returned to Canada after meeting Jeno, Would it have changed my life? But then, You guys are orphans too." Donghyuck, having forgotten of the older presence sniffled silently feeding the twins.

"Mama!!!" The both of them giggled loudly snuggling into the warmth of their mother.

"Thats right. Mama's be right here for you boys. Always. No matter how hard my lige would be, I promise that you would come home to Mama." Donghyuck cleaned and carried them away to bed,huddling up together in warmth and love. They werent his but their hearts were one.

Mark locked himself up, drowning in liqour and crying his heart out. "Taeyong!!!" Mark screamed dashed the bottle down, as the brunette on the other side cried into the fluffy pillows, holding his heart ever so tightly it killed him within.

"Mark you silly boy! Look your father is an idiot. Ahh dont." Taeyong giggled inside Marks hold.

"They'd be beautiful just like you." Mark kissed the pink lips.

"I wished they looked like you." Taeyong whispered looking up at the man he loved.

"I love you~" Mark whispered smiling as the gesture was replied and their lips latched, alas nothing lasted so long as they wanted it to.

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