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Seven months, And Donghyuck hardly could even breath anymore. He often wondered why he was born so feable. As Sicheng scanned him he couldnt help but feel cold at the feeling of never seeing Mark or his boys anymore.

"The thriplets are fine. Are you sure you can go alone?" Sicheng sighed deeply. Donghyuck nodded weakly as he slowly walked out the clinic. Jisung was there to hold his hand of course.

"Hyung shall I call Mark hyung?" Jisung asked for nth time that morning.

"I dont want to disturb him Jisung." Donghyuck bit his lips as they got into the cab and drove to the cafe.

"Hyung please." Jisung pleaded but the brunette was stubborn. His back hurt so much It stung like bitch.

"Shoo off to work." Donghyuck giggled when the bells rung and Renjun and Jaemin came inside.

"HYUCKIE!!!!" The screamed like highschool girls and Chenle walked in like the diva he was.

"Omg! You guys actually came back!!" Donghyuck bursted out crying.

"My baby has missed me." Jaemin fake cried.

"Oh shut up." Renjun rolled his eyes at his husband.

"Hii Hyuckie Aunt." Chenle beamed at the puffy boy.

"You married?" Jaemin gasped. "When? You look so fluffy and plump. In a good way."

"When I was five months." Donghyuck blushed as he stood up carefully and faced them. They gasped at the huge round baby bump.

"You are pregnant!" Renjun squealed jumping around happily.

"Y-Yeah." Donghyuck shyly sat on one of the secluded tables.

"Hyung your medicines. My shift ends now. Uwu hyungs on a date so.....I called Mark hyung he'd be here shortly. Take care bye." Jisung kissed Donghyucks cheek and frowned at little lele and left.

"Why medicines?" Renjun whispered.

"For.....my health and.....Guys I'm having thriplets!! Two girls and a boy." Donghyuck seal clapped when Mark walked in with a smile.

"Oh I see you guys finally came back." Mark chuckled. "Stay at our house for a while. Duckie would be happy." The older helped his wife up who scrunched his face in pain.

"Yeah Hyuckie aunts house." Chenle now ten years old ran to Marks car.

Mark carried  Donghyuck like a bride to the car where the twins were asleep. Placing him on the passenger seat he buckled him carefully. Not expecting Donghyuck to scream out so loud.

"Mark!!!!" Donghyuck squeezed his stomach suddenly, they were kicking and his backbone was about to break in pain.

"Duckling......." Mark patted the baby bump softly as he drove the car with on hand. Donghyuck was sweating and breathing heavily.

"Hyuckie you are definitly hiding something from me." Jaemin crossed his arms. "You havent called in months. And now you look so pale and in pain.

"N-No I'm fine." The brunette whispered.

"Why is he so white?" Renjun pointed a spatula at Mark.

"He's pregnant Jun." Mark ruffled Min's hair.

"So? I didnt become like chalk when I was going to give birth. For five years I had to leave and when I come back my best friend who I took in and gave a living and home is looking lime he would break any minute and is obviously hiding something from me!!!" Renjun grumbled at Mark.

"Dada something is wrong with Mama. He's sweating." Hae came in quite tensed at the situation.

"Duckie!" Mark rushed to the pale boy quickly.

"My back......Ahhhh It hurts so much Mark." Donghyuck grabbed Marks collar crying, He tried so hard to hide the fact he was not going to live for long but he was failing and Jaemin was worried sick.

"Baby Duckling....." Mark whispered caressing the stomach until the pregnant beauty calmed down.

The dinner was fine, A recounciliation of the friends. Mark smiled, Donghyuck became brighter than he was. They giggled and gossiped about random meaningless things. Mark sat on his office room chair, Smiling at the fact his golden duckling was laughing and smiling forgetting about the pain for a while.

"Dada!!! Mama wants the keys to the spare rooms." Hae the responsible twin came running to his busy father.

"Here. Careful alright?" Mark patted the little boys head.

The night went by Mark typing on the laptop and Donghyuck asleep on his shoulder. Two days later the other couple had to go to the school to check since Chenle had to be in school as soon as possible. They insisted on dropping the twins to school so Mark and Donghyuck were alone.

"Duckie please stay in bed. Dont walk about." Mark buttoned his shirt, wearing his tie.

"Mark dress me up." Donghyuck pouted purposely shrugging off his fabrics away.

"Duckling you know you are a distraction?" Mark sighed crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why is it that I always want you and you dont?" The brunette kicked his clothes away with a pout.

"Baby Ducklings right now you look ravishing, fluffy, round, squishy and fuckable. And your swollen chest and rosey red buds!! Okay you got me hard now." Mark groaned trying to leave.

"Mark?" Donghyuck pulled the olders pant waist band so he fell on his knees.

"Yes my naked Duckling?" Mark kissed the baby bump and then latched himself on one of Donghyucks buds.

"I feel like want you by my side all day. I need the twins calling me Mama. What if I really did die Mark? Will.....W-Will you do it with somebody else?" The brunette hugged the olders head sniffling into his hair.

"You are not going to die My baby Duckie.....Stop thinking about it baby." The older tried to wipe the saliva away from the swollen bud.

"What if....What hyung never died? What if he came back asking for you? What if you fell out of love for me?" What If I actually died when our thriplets are born? Mark......" Donghyucks wailings were shut with that kiss on his lips. Full and loving, passionate and needy, hovering over the brunette Mark loosened his tie, nope he wasnt going to any fucking meeting today. He was just going to love his wife with all he has to offer and he sure had infinite love to offer.

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