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Everyone in the group bowed. The two girls introduced themselves.

"Hi, I'm Hanbyeol, Choi Hanbyeol." The one with thick makeup smeared on her face said. Immediately after she introduced herself, her arm clinged onto mine. I slightly pushed her away without hurting her.

"Oh my turn, Hi.. I'm Areum" The one with flowy hair said calmly.

I waited till the teacher told us the what we need to know about basketball. I already knew everything about the sport, so I didn't really listen. "Okay, pick your players, and tell me who they are." The teacher said, I was first to choose my teammates.

I ended up picking Seokjin, Jungkook, Areum, and Hanbyeol. They were the only people I knew out of this whole class.

People in my group chose me as the first player, after the other teams were chosen, we told Hanbyeol to get the ball. She wanted to be extra and tried passing it to us but then-


"Areum!!" Seokjin screamed

Everyone in the class, including me asked her if she was okay. But, it appeared she fainted. "Great job Hanbyeol." I said sarcastically.

The worried students managed to get the teacher. We could've just brought her to the nurse by ourselves. "Is she okay?" The teacher asked. I shook my head.

Seokjin was about to say something, but I interrupted. "I'll take her to the nurse's office." I volunteered.

"No! It's fine. I'll do it." Seokjin offered. But, before he could get an answer, I picked up Areum, on my back. "She's actually really heavy..." I talked to myself. Is this even normal for a girl?

"Your rude...." Areum muttered.

"Your awake?!" I was surprised.

She didn't respond. I think she sleep talks. It's kind of cute... I walked up the stairs until I reached the nurse's office.

When I arrived, I gently put her down on the bed in the office. I was looking for the nurse, but I somehow couldn't find her.

I sat on a stool next to the bed Areum was on. I examined her facial features. Cherry soft lips, brown eyes, her jet black hair. No wonder why everyone called her pretty, she really is.

But, I really don't understand... Why people call her mean. From what I heard, she sounds really nice. But then again... She could have just put up an act in front of me. A lot of girls do that.

After a few minutes, I looked at my watch. My class is going to start soon. I need someone to look after Areum, but I also have to leave.

I pulled out my phone and began to dial Seokjin's phone number. He surprisingly picked up and immediately said, "Is Areum okay??" He sounded very worried for her. "Yeah, she's fine. If your wondering where Areum is, she's in the nurse's office. I'm going to my classroom, can you watch her for me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I have classes too but I'm willing to skip them." He responded back. I told Seokjin to get here as fast as he could and after he came back, I left the nurses office.

I was still worried for Areum, but I knew Seokjin would take care of her. He was always like a mother to me and the others.

Jeon Jungkook's P.O.V

The first day of 10th grade was finished, and I felt happy I didn't have to do more work. That girl... Kim Eunbi. She's really nice. I guess I'll invite her to eat with me at a restaurant. We could also talk about the project there too.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and started texting her.

Jungkook: Hey

I probably sounded so lame and weird to her. But, she's obviously going to not respond until an hour passes.

Noodle: Hi. I'm hungry. Give me food.

What? That quick?

Jungkook: I don't even know your house location and I'm not your servant. -.-

Jungkook: But, I was thinking we would go outside for food. I know a really good restaurant nearby.

Noodle: Haha, Do you actually think I'm getting up from my bed?

Jungkook: Come on. :P Just put on some comfortable clothes or pajamas on and come outside to the park.

Noodle: Okay...

This isn't really a date. We're only doing this to talk about the project, right?

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