Whenever I open my eyes, I imagine you before me
I can't tell reality from fantasy, as deluded I am, I reach my hand
I try to touch your face, expectededly it's just a dream
I don't know what to believe in this situation
It's so frustratingNo matter how much I resent, your smiling face keeps coming back
Imagining that, I smile too
I'm not in my right mind
Like a lunatic, I bawl
A piece of you keeps fluttering deep in my heart
When it stops, breathing becomes hardA nightmare like days, everyday over and over again
Hoping for that time that will fix it, I ask my friend in a hurry
When is that time?
It seems I'm the only one who knows it
Thinking that it won't come, I'm so terrified
Keep in contact with you, is what I pray for
Messaging you with an unknown number, wishing for the better
Is this real, am I completely (left) alone?
In your shadow, I draw my tears, wretchedly out of my mindDon't cry, don't die
It doesn't suit you, come to your senses
Get back to how you used to be, that you've forgotten brieflyWhat should I do, I already miss you
I want to feel the love againHow did I become like this, think about your face
There is no expression, how did I become like this
My heart has been ripped apart, now it's possible to throw it away
I want to feel the love once more≠≠
Puisi ini ditulis oleh ArVelodes
Thanks bang puisinya😄 Galau ya, kata-katanya bikin sedih aja😥
Awalnya bingung juga, mana bahasa Inggris. Tapi pas dimengerti maknanya dalam pisan🤐
Sedih juga bacanya, nyesek!
Aku mau merasakan cinta lagi.
Kalian yang masih punya cinta, jangan disia-sia. Nanti sakitnya baru terasa😌😅
Ehehe, ada yang mau kirim-kirim juga? Langsung aja chat Mimin😘😘 Babayyy!!!
القصة القصيرةSemua cerita yang ada di sini adalah buah dari penduduk OSTRè. Kami, bukan master skenario yang mampu mencipta drama konflik super apik. kami hanyalah sekumpulan penulis amatir anak dari kedua orang tua yang haus akan tumbuh dan pengetahuan. Karya k...