8. Why are you here?

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Please read a/n at end :-)

Chloe p.o.v

"Carter? what .. how.. are you here?"  i exclaimed "well now that school has finished for the summer  (i wish) i thought i might come and surpise you and support you for the bgt"Carter explained.

ok guys if your wondering carter is my boyfriend for 6 months now so thats who he is if you got confused. i ran over and hugged him so tight i was so happy i thought i wouldn't seen him till i got home but obviously not, im so happy.

Leo p.o.v

Im happy Chloe's happy but im also sad because i was gonna ask her out tomorrow to see The Fault In Our Stars well thats not gonna happen now. Ughh i really like her what do i do?

Charlie p.o.v

Ughh im getting super nervous im gonna ask Colleen out to the movies today but i don't know what to say, i'll just wing-it. 

"Hey Colleen" i said nervously

"hey" she smiled

"Can i ask you something?"i asked

"Sure you can trust me"she nodded

"Well i was wondering i mean you don't have to, but would you like to go to the movies with me tomorrow?"i questioned

"Sure it'll be fun its a date" she answered

"Cool i can't wait." i exclaimed

After everything blew over everyone was in their hotel room because of the semi-finals tomorrow can't wait but i also have the date with Colleen im soo nervous.

Again short im so sorry i was gonna update this weekend but i had an test to study for and if i wasnt studying i was babysitting my little sister im so sorry if you guys hate me but i will try my best to update nextweekend and to make it long at the moment i supose to be in bed but i thought it wasnt fair not to update soon so here it is i hope you enjoyed this chapter please dont hate me im soo sorry but bye luv ya xxx

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