24. surprise!!!!!!!!

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Emma pov

''Guys'' i shouted they all turned around and looked at me. Chloe, Katie and Colleen nearly knocked me over by hugging me i laughed at the way they all reacted. ''What were you arguing about?'' i asked. ''well me and Connor pulled a prank on everyone'' Katie replied ''why are you wet?'' i said ''well the prank didn't go to plan and i got chased and thrown in the pool'' Katie said i laughed at her stupidity ''hey there is another disco after christmas you should come'' Chloe suggested ''Ya sure, but first we need to put up the decorations.'' i replies

3 hours of decorating later

''All done'' i said as i looked back at my masterpiece, the christmas tree. we all sat on the sofa watching a movie and i was nearly asleep the doorbell rang Connor got up to open the door and in comes Leo and Charlie i got up and hugged them. Both the girls were asleep so they didn't notice so we made a plan, they will go up to Chloes bedroom and i will bring the girls up and surprise. so thats what happened the boys went upstairs and  i woke the girls up.

Colleens pov

Emma woke me and the girls up and told us to go upstairs so we did, we went in and sat down on the bed when suddenly Leo and Charlie jumped out the wardrobe. i froze i was so happy to see Charlie again but i couldn't move cause i was so shocked. Charlie came over to me and said ''so your happy to see me ?''. i nodded and hugged him so tight i think i cut off his circulation after that happened i went over to Leo and hugged him i shouted out ''there were way too many surprises today.''

hey guys i updated i will hopefully updating alot more because i got a new laptop for christmas i hope everyone enjoyed their christmas and my new chapter luv ya loads chloexxxxxxxx

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