10 - Love of my life

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As soon as I closed the door behind me Roger roughly grabbed my shoulders and put my back to the brick wall
"What do you think you're doing?" He hissed.
Without thinking about it I put my hand on his chest to calm him down. He grabbed my wrist and pinned it on the wall.
Roger was looking at me, expecting an answer.

I started explaining "well, you- you've been completely ignoring me! I wanted to talk to you but you didn't give me a chance"

"That's not an excuse to flaunt yourself like that, Helena".

I swallowed. His hips pressed up against me and I felt- something.

"I'm sorry". I said.

I looked at him apologetically.
He still looked mad but the longer I looked into his eyes, the softer his gaze became. As if he just now realized how aggressive he was being.
He pushed himself off me.
"It's" he sighed loudly "it's fine, just, don't do that shit to me".
He wanted to go back inside but I grabbed his arm "Rog..." I whispered.

He didn't turn around, I saw his jaw clenching.
"Roger can we please talk?"
He growled.
I gently turned him around "fine, you don't have to talk, just listen. Will you?"

He glared at me and nodded.

I walked to a nearby bench.

I took a deep breath
"Okay so, first off, I really am sorry for invading your privacy," I grabbed his hand which was resting on his leg. He, surprisingly enough, let me.
"It won't ever happen again, promise.
Truth is, I did read a page in your book. I couldn't help it though. Your writing, it's amazing."
He looked down.
I continued "to be honest, I don't get why you're this upset over it?"

He inhaled "because- arhg..." he grunted "because... it's about you! The song, it's about you. You weren't supposed to see it".

My mouth fell open.
We were silent for a second.

"But" Roger said turning his hand and intertwining our fingers "you apologized and I don't wanna think about it anymore. You're forgiven".

I exhaled happily and looked up at him "really?".
"Yeah" he mumbled while his eyes roamed my face "and I just can't stay mad at you...".

I smiled widely.

He stood up, led me to the back of the bar and climbed on a big, green trash container, sticking his hand out to me "do you trust me?".
I took his hand "yes".

He pulled me up and before I knew it he lifted me up to the roof "grab that rain pipe, babe".

"Babe" echoed in my head.

I grabbed the rain pipe and pulled myself on the roof, Roger followed right after.

I stood straight up looking up to the stars, the wind playing with my hair.
I sensed Roger behind me. His chest to my back.
We stood there for a moment, staring into the universe.

I heard a sound below us in the bar.
A soft strumming of Brian's guitar and Freddie playing the piano.

Roger turned me around.
He gently pushed a piece of my hair back. I looked at his face, his eyelashes slowly blinked at me and around his lips laid a soft smile.
I put my hands on his neck and played with his hair while he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer.
Below us, Freddie started to sing...

Love of my life...

Roger brought his face closer to mine,
our lips swiftly glided against each other and then...

He kissed me.

It started gently but we melted into an intenser kiss.

I draged my hand over his neck and chest as he made his way to my thighs.

Hurry back, hurry back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me

Love of my life
Love of my life


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