23 - Scare

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I was walking down the aisles.
My gaze crossed a guy. A guy with long, dark, very curly hair... It was Brian.
I ducked down and quietly walked over, then I jumped "hey Bri!".
He jerked up and dropped what he was holding. Brian turned to me "oh" he sighed in relief "you scared me".
"Yeah that was the idea" I said, petting his arm since he seemed so startled. I smiled at him but Brian looked uncomfortable. Then I saw what he had dropped...

Two different brands of pregnancy tests laid on the floor.

I swallowed... "oh...".
Brian scratched the back of his head "yeah...".
I gasped "wait- who did you" Brian put his hand over my mouth and pulled me to a less public area in the store "my god, Helena shhhh".
Brian looked over his shoulder and then back to me "they're not for me", "well obviously!" I stated "you can't get pregnant can you-"
Brian cut me off "no noo, please shut up for a second...".
I looked at him, he sighed and started to talk "they're for Mary."
I couldn't help myself "Freddies Mary?" I blurted out.
Brian gave me a look, I pressed my lips together. "Yes. Freddies Mary". "Why can't Freddie get it himself? Why did he ask you?", Brian rolled his eyes "Freddie didn't ask me, Mary did. Freddie doesn't even know... Mary asked me because she's sick at home right now. She just needs to know if she's sick because of the flu or... ya know...".
My mouth fell open "that poor thing".
I looked at Brian, he looked so uncomfortable it was adorable. "You're a really good friend Brian."
He smiled a little "thanks".
I grabbed his elbow and tugged him back to the aisle with feminine products "which one were you gonna get?"
Brian awkwardly picked up the two boxes, "one of these I guess, I don't know which is better..."
I grabbed one of the boxes and inspected it "well" I chuckled "this one is a thermometer so...". Brian put his hand over his blushing cheeck "so I guess this one" he said while holding up the pregnancy test.
"Yeah" I laughed "come on, I'll carry it to the register".

We walked over there. Suddenly Brian put his hand up, blocking his face on one side and he hissed "oh my god, it's Roger".
I turned around, Roger was looking at me "hey baby," he looked at what I was holding "what you got th-".

Roger dropped his box of cereal. His eyes widened and he stumbled back.
"Oh no" I said. I pressed the pregnancy test in Brians hands and ran over to Roger but I was too late.
He was laying on the floor, passed out.

I turned to Brian. He buried his face in his hands.
I bit my lip. Oh god...

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