16 - Jealous?

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"I really liked your song, Bri" I said.

Brian and I were chilling on the couch. He turned to me
"Really? Thanks Helena".
I nodded "yeah, I mean, I just read the lyrics so I'm curious how it would sound as an actual song. Did you figure out how you want it to sound yet?".

"Oi" Roger bursted through the door.
"Hey Rog" I smiled. He looked cute.
Roger was wearing a hoodie and the traces of sleep were still on his puffy eyes.
He pushed himself in between me and Brian, which didn't really fit, like at all. But he managed to lay down.

Brian muttered something under his breath.
I almost fell off the couch but Roger quickly put his arm around me "I got you".
Brian rolled his eyes.
Roger laughed "what? Jealous Bri?" He put his other arm around Brian.
Brian protested "ow, Roger, my hair".
I laughed and playfully hit Rogers chest.

"We were just talking about Brian's new song" I said, twisting the string of Roger's hoodie round my finger.
Roger blew a piece of his hair out his face "what the hell Brian, why don't you tell me when you're writing something new?"
Brian chrugged "Helena actually gives constructive advice, you just, I don't know, you just complain..."
Roger frowned "that's unfair... I'm just a perfectionist".
"Sure, that'll be it..." Brian chuckled.

The door openend once again. It was Tristan. He stopped when he saw us. A confused/disturbed look on his face.
I burst out laughing and Brian quickly rolled off the couch.

"We were just practicing" Brian explained, putting his hands in his pocket.
"Yeah, I get it" Tristan said.
"No, like, practicing our music, ya know".
Tristan nodded "yeah...".
Then he looked down and paced away to the back.

Brian turned around to us, his eyes widening in embarrassment...
Roger and I couldn't stop laughing.
"Oh shut up" Brian hissed, but he chuckled as well.

Smoke - RogerTaylor {mature}Where stories live. Discover now