52 - Again

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I fuckin drOpped my phone when I saw 4k reads. It means so much and I wanna thank you all. There are a lot of people who comment regularly and I love that sm💕 I hope yall know I appreciate every single one of you! Sorry about the long awaited chapter btw, I have exams...
Now on with tha storyyy...

I went to the bathroom to wash up and brush my teeth. When I came back I froze. My mom was standing with her back to me, over my bed. "Mom?" I hesitated. She turned around with Roger's hoodie in her hand.
I gulped at the sight of the wide, obviously male-intended hoodie. My mom looked equally confused and mad, "who's is this?" she asked directly. I blinked and tried to think of an excuse... My mom walked over and stood right in front of me "Helena, who's is this?" she demanded.
I couldn't stay quiet anymore... "it's... of a boy...". My mom asked further "what boy? Your boyfriend?". I sighed, looked out the window and pursed my lips together. My mom grabbed my shoulder "hey! answer me!".
I looked at her "it's of my boyfriend, yes...". My mom flung the hoodie onto my bed "was he in here last night?!". I nodded slowly and confessed "he's the boy that came by for the science project". My mom sighed "that blonde young man... Roger wasn't it?... O he was lovely-" she remembered that she was mad and shouted "that's not the point though, is it! I won't tolerate lies and secrets Helena!".
I looked down, her harsh voice brought tears to my eyes. My mom grabbed my jaw and forced me to look up "you are grounded, again!". I stomped my feet and sat on the bed "fine!".

My mom stormed out and I buried my head in my pillow, tears streaming into the plush fabric. Now I couldn't even go and say goodbye to Roger...

Smoke - RogerTaylor {mature}Where stories live. Discover now