24 - Wake up

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Brian was carrying Roger bridal style out the store, while apologizing to... to basically everyone in there "yes, sorry ma'am, he's just dehydrated. No sir, oh, watch your head, sorry!".
Rogers head was on Brian's chest and one of his arms dangled loosely. It looked equally adorable and ridiculous.
I couldn't help but laugh.
Rogers legs hit a rack of crisps and the whole thing clattered on the floor. "Shit" Brian stressed as he quickly kept walking.
We were outside the store and I helped Brian put Roger down. We had him sitting on the sidewalk his back to the wall.
Brian put his hands on his hips "what the hell are we gonna do?". I chuckled and kneeled next to Roger "he'll wake up soon".
I cupped his cheeks "Rog... babe, wake up".
Roger moaned and his head fell to the side.
"I'm gonna go take care of you guys' groceries" Brian said and he walked to the door.
"Here," I said, I wiggled Rogers wallet out his pocket and threw it to Brian. He caught it and walked inside.
I sat there with Roger for a while, looking at his face. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open.

I saw that Rogers cigarettes had fallen out his pocket. I grabbed the box Malboro and laughed a little, while I took one out and put it between Rogers lips.
Brian came back, he saw what I was doing and laughed "good idea, that'll wake him up".
Brian handed me his lighter and I flicked it on, attempting to light the cig.
After a while Roger mumbled "you're not holding the flame close enough...".
Brian and I laughed.
"There he is" Brian put out his hand to Roger.
Roger clumsily grabbed on and Brian pulled him up.
I put my arm around Roger and supported him while we walked home. Brian carried the groceries and the pregnancy test stuck out his pocket.

Roger didn't say much while we walked. He just slowly smoked his cig.
I did see him glance at Brian's pocket a couple times.

We arrived at Freddies and Rogers apartment. I took the cigarette out of Rogers mouth and killed the spark on the pavement.
Then I took the keys out his pocket to let us in.

Brian went to the kitchen to put the groceries down and I tossed Roger on the couch since he was starting to get heavy.
Freddie was sitting on the dining table "what happened to him? Did he see one of those Aston Martin Vantage cars?" he asked, pointing at Roger.
I knew I couldn't tell Fred that we bought a pregnancy test for Mary so I quickly said "I pulled his leg. Pretended I was pregnant, ya know..."
Freddie jumped off the table "oh and he calls me a drama queen! Also just saying, I would be thrilled. I love kids!".
That was a relief to hear...
Deaky came from upstairs "I'm freakin starving!" "Yeah yeah yeah, Rogers gonna cook now" Freddie hushed. He pulled up Rogers from the couch and directed him to the kitchen "c'mon mrs. Meddows."
Roger growled and walked to the kitchen while fixing his extra messy hair.

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