27 - Explain

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Freddie and Brian had just stormed out.

It was silent.
Deaky was sitting in the armchair, slowly shaking his head.
I walked to the couch and sat down looking at John "okay... what the hell was that?" John sighed and looked out the window "I don't think it's my place to-" "Is it about Mary's alleged pregnancy?" Roger mumbled annoyed, sitting down on the armrest of the couch, still holding the pillow tightly. John looked up surprised "yeah, so you guys know about that? Well alright...".
"What happened?" I nudged.
John leaned his elbows on his knees and started to talk.
"Sooo... Fred found a pregnancy test in Brian's pocket and obviously started to ask questions. Eventually Brian had to admit it was for Mary. And Fred... well he got mad. He shouted and, ya know..."
John gestured to the broken mugs and coffee table.
Roger nodded slowly.
John continued "Fred kinda took his emotions out on Brian I think. He must be a little shocked".
"I know what he's going through" Roger muttered glaring at me. I leaned my head on the pillow on his lap and gave him puppy eyes, lightly chuckling.
John cleared his throat "so yeah that's what happened. But fights aren't unusual for us... I mostly try to stay out of them. You know, I'm pretty sure this is the first one that Roger wasn't involved in!".
I grinned.

Roger looked uneasy "babe... can you- move your head?" he asked, readjusting his posture. I took my head off "oh sorry". I put my fingers over my mouth, hiding a smile.
Deaky snickered, Roger looked at him, his eyes shot fire "I thought you kept outta fights?" he hissed. John put his hands up, showing his innocence "I wasn't- doing anything Rog, calm down".
I laughed and put my arm around Rogers bare shoulders to calm him down and gave him a kiss on his jaw. He slightly pulled away "you're not helping" he whispered, squeezing the fabric of the pillow.
Immediately John stood up "alrighty, that's my cue to go." he hurdled out of the room.

Roger smirked, watching him go and as soon as the door closed... he threw himself on top of me "get over here, you tease!".

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