Sy perhatikan jam di meja tepi.. It reads 5:30AM.. Kenapa la sy terbangun lagi ni..? Matahari belum pun naik ni..
Oh right.. sy perlu awal pigi ofis supaya dapat bercakap sama Vince sebelum yang lain masuk.. I'll wear something classy and professional, maybe by the time I get to the office, I'll feel as good as I look..
Masa sampai di tempat kerja, jam menunjukkan jam tujuh pagi.. Urggh! Macamana Vince bole buat ni setiap hari..? Morning people.. Dia pernah bilang yang dia lebih suka suasana yang senyap dan nda terkacau sebelum mulakan hari dia.. Sekarang ni, dua gelas kopi sy minum pun otak belum fully functioning ni..
And I still haven't talked to Vince since our date.. Sy nda sangka yang sy akan gelabah pasal tu bunga yang JT bagi and most of all shutting the door in Vince's face..
Selepas beberapa minit bertarung dalam fikiran sendiri, I decide to get it over with.. malas ba mau fikir banyak.. But first, a pep talk with my sister can't hurt.. Sy dail nombor Belinda --- dan harap-harap dia nda la mau bunuh sy yang sy call dia pagi-pagi buta gini ni..
📞 Belinda: Jackie?
Nasib dia nda dengar macam baru bangun..
📲 Me: Hi, sorry.. suda bangun ka?
📞 Belinda: You could say that.. I'm in the bathroom of a guy I picked up at a work mixer last night and about to do the walk of shame..
Yeah, my sister sounds anything but ashamed..
📲 Me: Wow, Bel! Ko mau jumpa dia lagi ka lepas ni..?
📞 Belinda: Entah la..Mungkin.. He's good in bed, tapi berdengkur.. Ehmmm, selalunya time begini ko masi tidur.. Sy tau ko call bukan mau tau pasal my dating conquests.. Apa ko mau?
📲 Me: Actually, pasal Vince ba ni..
📞 Belinda: Ah! are you worried it's going to be awkward at work?
Sy ada mesej Belinda lepas date sy sama si Vince.. cakap nda tentu pasal the complications of dating my best friend..
📲 Me: No.. That's the thing, makin sy fikir pasal tu, makin pula sy sedar sy rasa syok pula.. of course there were definitely some bumpy moments, but Bel, the kiss was out of this world..
📞 Belinda: Ok la tu, Jackie.. That's great..! tapi ko perlukan lebih dari sexual chemistry..
📲 Me: Tunggu dulu, I didn't tell you about the worst part.. Lepas date kami tu, ada bunga depan pintu --- dari si JT..
📞 Belinda: Uh--oh..
📲 Me: Exactly!
Suara sy tertinggi and fight my urge to pace my office..
📲 Me: Sy panik ba.. Sy fikir mungkin si JT sedang tengok kami dari apartment dia, so I 'kicked' Vince back to the curb..
📞 Belinda: Calm down.. You don't owe Vince anything.. Ko teda juga buat salah ba.. Ko bole cium siapa ja ko mau cium.. jadi kawan sama siapa ja yang ko mau kawan.. You're in the driver seat, honey..
Sy tarik nafas dalam-dalam..
📲 Me: Sy tau..
Lex made me believe I didn't matter when he didn't stand by our wedding vows.. Unlike him, those wedding vows meant something to me.. Just like Vince means something for me..
📲 Me: Tapi ni kali lain, Belinda.. Even if things don't work out between me and Vince, he deserves better than to be jerked around..
📞 Belinda: Nampaknya, macam ko suda tau jawapan untuk soalan ko sendiri..
Her Eye Candy | Completed
General FictionIs dating ever been easier for you after being single for a long time? You want to have someone but still you are not so sure about the idea of that. When it comes to have the right person, will you ever think that you might fall for someone who so...