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Lama sy tengok almari baju sy.. Berfikir baju mana satu yang sy mau pakai untuk ni date pertama sama kawan baik sy.. This is so strange.. kami spend masa tengok movie sama-sama pakai sweats but now, si Vince bawa sy pigi salah satu restaurant terkenal.. 

This is something different for the both of us.. I think I should try to look nice.. I'll wear the sexy number that Belinda lent me.. compliment my body..

Nda lama tu Vince sampai.. Awal dia.. Dia ketuk pintu walaupun dia ada suda kunci dan pernah suda guna sebelum ni.. I answer the door and feel my breath catch at the sight of him

"Hey.." Vince sapa..

"Hi there.." sy sapa balik..

"Sy nda tau pula bila sy bawa ko keluar, you were going to flatten me by looking this gorgeous.."

Sy angkat kening sebelah, "charmer.."

he chuckles, "I try.. Ready to go?"

Sy angguk-angguk.. Lepas kunci pintu, I take his arm, curling my hand around his bicep.. The only sound as I walk to Vince's car is my heels clacking on the pavement.. Vince sama sy selalu selesa dan enjoy dengan kehadiran masing-masing tapi sekarang ni betul-betul rasa pelik ni..

Perlukah sy cakap sesuatu? Yes! The tension between us is painful..!

"Pearl is pretty fancy place.. Is this where you take all your conquests to get them back to the bedroom?" Aduiiii, sy pejam mata sy.. Why? Why would I say that? 

Vince nampak nda selesa, malu sikit pun ada, "Actually, no.. Sy pernah pigi sana satu kali saja, sama Leah.."

Urggh! Dan sekarang ko buat dia terpaksa cakap pasal bekas dia.. Great conversation starter, Jackie..!

"Sorry, of course.. it was just --- a joke.. a bad joke.." sy bilang lagi..

"No, no.. ok ba.. It was --- funny?" Vince bilang tapi ragu-ragu pula..

Maybe the ground will open up and swallow me.. Kami teruskan berjalan pigi arah kereta Vince, tapi hampir saja terlanggar sama satu orang yang sedang berlari..

Matai! si JT...

Dia baru mau balik lepas dari jogging.. in all his shirtless, six-pack glory.. cepat-cepat sy kasi lepas tangan sy dari lengan si Vince..

"Jack! Hi!" I hear the strained, high pitch of my voice and cringe..

"Hi.. You look nice.." Terus dia toleh tengok Vince, "Vince, right?"

Dengan muka yang teda perasaan, Vince jawab juga.. "Right"

Alamak! Kalo la cara pandangan bole membunuh orang, ampai-ampai suda si JT di atas jalan oleh si Vince.. JT nampak keliru.. Dia asyik tengok sy dan Vince, kening dia berkerut seolah-olah mencari jawapan..

"So, are you two working late tonight?" JT tanya, mata tengok sy..

Oh, no.. Mungkin sy patut terus terang sama dia.. Sy tarik nafas dalam-dalam, "Actually, Vince sama sy ---"

"--- mau bawa client kami pigi business dinner, yes.." Vince potong sebelum sy habis cakap.. "Really important account"

JT angguk-angguk faham.. "Well, I won't distract you then.. Jackie, sy call ko nanti.."

"Sure.." sy jawab dia balik.. nda lama tu, JT berjalan balik pigi apartment dia.. sy pusing tengok si Vince, riak muka dia susah mau baca..

"Look, if you decide you want to tell him about us, that's fine.." nada Vince sedikit nda puas hati pasal gaya sy masa bertembung sama si JT tadi, "but you shouldn't be forced into decision because of a fluke.."

Her Eye Candy | CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora