Chapter 22

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Unfortunately after I left the house for the game I did not see Rylan until the races were about to begin. I walked my bike up next to his, helmet locked under my arm.

"Hey baby girl," he smiled over his shoulder as I took my place on the bike.

"Hey there honey buns," I smirked at him.

"You ready to kick my butt?" he asked, slipping his helmet on.

"Always," I smiled widely, but I caught a glimpse of a bright red jacket over his shoulder.

"Kody?" he asked, taking the helmet back off. "Are you okay?" I could hear his voice, but all I could do was stare at the red jacket. After all this time, I wanted to scream. Why did he have to come back now?

"Kody?" Rylan shook my shoulders gently and I finally snapped my attention back to him.

"What?" I asked, shrugging him off.

"Are you okay?" he asked again. I looked up at him, concern written all over his face. I was angry at myself for causing him worry, but more than anything I was angry at Johnny.

"I'm fine," I smiled up at him, but I could tell he was not convinced.

"You sure?" he asked, swinging his leg over his bike to come closer to me.

"Positive," I lied and leaned forward to kiss him, hoping to distract him enough to drop it.

"You ready to get beaten?" I asked, my voice husky when he finally pulled back.

"By you?" he smiled and got back on his bike. "Any time babe."

Instead of continuing our conversation I put my helmet on.

"Johnny's here," I told Daylon and then I heard him cuss.

"Where?" he asked, anger lacing his word.

"5 down from Rylan," I said looking back over at him, "bright red jacket," I finished, remembering that red jacket covering my shoulders all that time ago.

"Got him," he said quickly. "You stay clear of him," Daylon warned.

"Will do," I said nodding my head. "Can you patch through and tell Rylan to steer clear of him?" I asked, biting my lip as Rylan turned to me.

"Why?" Daylon asked, confused.

"You know what Johnny does to new comers," I said praying that Johnny would just leave Rylan alone.

"Right," Daylon said and then he was gone, music filling my ears as I looked over to the man climbing the hill.

"Done," he came back on just as the man came to stand at the top of the hill.

"Thanks Uncle," I said before sighing. "Music back on please?"

I focused on the words in the song as Richie explained the rules to the newbies. Poor suckers, I thought.

Johnny had this thing about new people. When he saw a newbie he went out of his way to make that person eat mud, even if it meant ruining the race for himself. It was how we had met.


"Okay," my uncle's voice coaxed in my ears, "you have your first jump coming up here. Remember to keep your hands steady before you land and don't jerk when you hit," he sounded worried and I smiled.

"I know Uncle," I smiled. He'd made me train for almost a year before letting me come to this track.

My very first race ever. I was so excited. Everything was new to me. The dirt was harder, the hills were bigger, and the sounds were louder. Up until tonight I had only practices on a private track at my uncle's ranch. I felt like a little girl spending her first night in the big city.

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