Chapter 20

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"So why are there one of these in every room in the house?" Rylan asked from the bathroom doorway after our run, he was pointing at my ihome.

"Because I hate silence," I smiled around my toothbrush.

"Is there a reason?" Rylan asked.

I nodded and he looked at me expectantly. I took the toothbrush out of my mouth and spat, "When my mom was sick," I said wiping my mouth, "she would get these headaches that were so bad she had to lie in bed, in complete darkness, and there could be no sound," I looked down at the floor. "When I came home from school and the house was quite I knew she was sick, but on a good day there would be music blasting as she cooked," I swallowed hard and looked up at him. "Towards the end there were never any days filled with music, no laughter, it was always silent." He stepped forward to hug me, "Silence just reminds me of those days when she was so sick she couldn't even hug me, so I make sure that it is never quite around here. It drive me almost crazy when I am in school taking a test and the whole room is quite," I laughed softly, "that is why I always click my pen during tests," I said into his chest.

"That's why?" he laughed, "I thought you were just trying to annoy me."

"Don't flatter your self," I laughed.

"Okay," he said against my temple. "I'm sorry for asking," he whispered.

"It's okay," I shook my head and pulled back. "You are the first to ever ask why I am constantly listening to music," he kissed my forehead.

"I'm getting a radio for my classroom," he smiled.

"Really?" I asked smiling back at him.

"Yes," he nodded, "I'll just tell everyone it is music to help them concentrate."

"Thanks Rylan," I kissed him.

"You're welcome Kody," he tapped my ass, "now you better finish getting ready or you are going to be late for school."

"Hey," I laughed pushing him away, "don't touch the merchandise," I ran from the bathroom giggling as he chased me.

"It's mine to touch," he said from the other side of my bed before vaulting towards me, I let him catch me around the waist and pull me over him.

"I love you Kody," he whispered, his palm against my cheek.

I opened my mouth to reply, but closed it suddenly and shook my head.

"It's okay," he smiled, "I understand," and then his lips were on mine.

School was boring and I found myself looking for every excuse to see Rylan. I lied to my Calc teacher about leaving a book in his room during Rylan's off period, he was very surpised when I showed up.

"Kody?" he asked when I walked through his door.

"Rylan," I smiled, he pushed his chair away from the desk and stacked his hands behind his head.

"What brings you here?" he asked smiling at me.

"I needed to see you," I walked towards him.

"Did you miss me?" he teased, but the truth was, yes I had missed him.

"Yes," I said letting myself fall into his lap.

"Kody," his voice warned as my lips brushed against his.

"It's okay," I grated out, "I locked the door we have 10 minutes until the next bell," I said undoing his tie. "Think you can handle that time limit?" I smiled as his lips smashed down on mine.

"I only need 5," he said pushing me onto the desk.

True to his word that boy had me just about screaming 5 minutes later, I was biting my lip so hard I thought it was going to start bleeding any minute, but he slowed down against me after I called his name in a hoarse whisper.

"I love you Kody," he said against my lips.

I was trying to fix my skirt and he was laughing at me as he straightened his tie.

"Not that I didn't love this little impromptu session," he smiled coming to help me right myself, "but I think it would be safer if we did not do this again," I stopped smiling.

"Why?" I pouted, wiping my lipstick from his mouth.

"Kody," he sighed tugging my skirt into place, "we cannot get caught."

"I know Rylan," I sighed and leaned into him. "I just needed you so bad today. I cannot stop thinking about you, its disgusting," I whined and he smiled down at me.

"Honey I need you all the time," he kissed my forehead, "and I love all those little sounds you make and all the loud ones," he added with a smirk, "but here you have to hold back and I don't like that," I smiled at him.

"So no more mid day study sessions?" I pouted.

"I didn't say no more," he smiled, "just we can't let it happen often."

"Okay," I sighed and kissed him once more. "I better get back to class."

"Yea," he smiled, "and I should probably clean my desk up," I looked over and laughed. There were papers thrown everywhere, his globe was laying on the floor spinning, and pencils littered the floor.

"Did I do that?" I asked biting my lip.

"Yes," he said tugging it from my teeth, "and I would not have it any other way. Now go to class," he shooed me away. "Love you Kody," he said just before I opened the door and I smiled back at him.

Halfway through my third period class I asked if I could go to Rylan's room to finish a project that I was working on, Frankie never lied to teachers, so of course they let me go.

Rylan was sitting at his desk, leafing through papers when I opened the door. His head snapped up and he smiled.

"You are going to kill me," he said.

"I'll make sure you die happy," I smiled before locking the door.

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