Chapter 6

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"Where the hell do you think you are going dressed like that?" an angry, but familiar voice said behind me. I looked down at myself before turning around.

"Running," I said slowly.

"The hell you are," he said taking an step closer to me. "Get in your room and put a shirt on for god's sake," again I looked down at my sports bra, it was covering everything.

"Ummm, okay dad," I said sarcastically before turning away from him to go down the stairs.

"Kody," he whispered furiously, "I am serious," he grabbed my arm. "Go put a shirt on," I looked down at the hand holding me back.

"Why don't you let me go running and you can go follow your own advice Rylan," I rolled my eyes. His muscular chest was starting distract me, stupid teen hormones.

"I'm not letting you go out like that," he said firmly and he started pulling me towards my room.

"Rylan I am serious," I jerked my arm from his grasp. "It's 5 in the morning, no one is going to see me," again I turned away only to be brought back.

"Kody," he rubbed his face once, "it is dangerous for you to be parading around like that."

"I'm not parading Rylan," again I jerked again. "I'm going running, I go every damn morning," this time I took off running down the stairs, hoping he wouldn't catch me, but just as I hit the last step his strong arms came around my waist.

"Kody," he said walking backwards up the stairs while I thrashed in his arms.

"Rylan put me down!" I yelled and almost wished I had not. Now my daddy was going to come out to find out what is going on and what would he see? A half naked Rylan pulling a half naked me up the stairs.

"Son," my dad's groggy voice came from below us, "you better just put her down before she hurts you," I could hear the laughter in his voice.

"Yea Rylan," I elbowed him as he dropped me to my feet.

"Kody go put a shirt on," my dad said in a tired voice. "You know I don't like for you to go running like that," he stood at the kitchen counter making coffee.

"Daddy," I whined and Rylan shot me a smug look.

"Don't daddy me young lady," he pointed at me, "get your butt up stairs and put on a shirt before you go running."

"Fine, fine, fine," I muttered as I climbed the stairs. "Stupid men thinking that I need to have a shirt."

"I can hear you Kody," my dad laughed.

When I came back down, with a shirt, Rylan was tying his tennis at the table.

"Are you happy now?" I asked sweeping my hand over the shirt.

"Very much so honey," my dad smiled. "Now go have a good run, breakfast will be ready when you get back."

I turned towards the back door, "Kody aren't you forgetting something," my dad said behind me and I could hear him smiling.

"Love you daddy," I called over my shoulder as I stepped outside. I took a deep breath and reached back to shut the door, but there was something in the way, Rylan.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking up at him.

"Going running," he said simply. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't get in my way," I said placing my headphones in and turning the volume all the way up on my iPhone. I smiled as Gary Allen filled my ears and I took my first steps down the driveway.

About 5 minutes into my morning run Rylan caught up with me and started running at my side. I rolled my eyes and picked up the pace, but he would not be shaken. I looked over at him to shoot him a dirty look.

"What?" he mouthed, but I couldn't hear him over my music and I had no desire to at that moment.

Again I picked up the pace, but he was still there at my side, I smiled as I formulated a plan. I'll take the back way to the house through the woods, he'd never be able to keep up with me going through the trees, I knew the trails like the back of my hand. I turned suddenly and laughed as he stumbled, but still followed. I ran faster, darting through the trees and jumping over rocks, but I could still hear his heavy breathing following me. I frowned as the house came into view, how in the hell was he still keeping up with me I wondered as I stopped suddenly.

He slammed into me and we tumbled to the ground. I started laughing as we rolled down the hill towards my house, somehow my headphones had been ripped out and I could hear his hearty laugh. His arms wrapped around me as we continued to tumble, keeping the rocks from hitting my still sore ribs.

I was gasping when we finally came to a stop a few feet from my backyard and his laughter was sounding next to my ear. He was on top of me now and looking down into my eyes and his laughter died. The way he was looking at me made my heart beat furiously, suddenly I wasn't laughing anymore either. My breaths were choppy as his hand swept leaves from my hair, making me laugh again, he smiled.

"Aren't you glad I made you put a shirt on now?" he smiled, picking more leaves from my hair.

"Yes," I laughed out. He had leaves and sticks in his hair, so as he wiped the dirt from my face I swept the leaves away, but somehow we both stopped moving our hands frozen against the other's face. I felt myself straining towards him, I wanted him to kiss me right now, I needed him to kiss me, he leaned towards me. Just before his lips brushed against mine I stopped him.

"Rylan," I gasped, "don't." His eyes searched mine, his lips still just a fraction of an inch above mine.

"Kody," he sighed.

"Don't Rylan," I looked down at his body pressed against mine. "You're my teacher, this cannot happen," my hand fell from his face as he leaned away.

"Kody," he sighed again before placing his head against my shoulder.

"Rylan," I pushed against him, "you need to get off of me now, my dad could be watching."

"Kody," he said one more time before I pushed him off of me. We were laying side by side now as I panted from our close call. "I'm sorry Kody," he sighed as he clambered to his feet.

"Me too," I pushed up on my elbows and smiled at him, but he didn't return the gesture. He turned away from me and went through the gate. I plopped back into the grass and groaned. We can't be together, I told myself over and over again, hoping that it would sink in. He was my teacher now and even if he wasn't, he was motocross guy, those were two things I did not mess with.

I sat at the table eating eggs with my dad, trying not to look over at Rylan. It was a battle I was losing, he looked forlorn and I had this overwhelming urge to tell him it would all work out, even though I knew it wouldn't.

"Kody," my dad said breaking the haze, "you better go get showered."

I looked up at him, grateful that he had snapped me back to reality, "You telling me I stink?" I smiled.

"Well," he hedged, "yes," he burst out laughing.

"Thanks dad," I feigned hurt, but smiled, especially because Rylan was now smiling at our exchange.

"Just go," my dad laughed again.

"Alright," I said holding up my hands, "I can take a hint," I turned to go up the stairs, but stopped suddenly and wrapped my arms around him and rubbed my sweaty body all over his upper body.

"Frances Kody Dillon," he laughed, "get your sweaty butt off of me right now," he stopped as I wiped my sweaty face up his.

"Love you daddy," I laughed as I ran up the stairs.

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