Chapter 2

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"You wanna drink?" Bryan asked, already knowing the answer.

"Nah," I shook my head and he rolled his eyes. It was like our little party ritual. We show up, he asks if I want a drink, I say no, and then we go our separate ways.

"If you need me just call," he says in my ear and I nod as I turn away.

I push through people trying to get to my room at the top of the stairs so I can throw my bag down before joining the party. After shaking hands, fist bumping, and getting plenty of back slaps from the motocross guys I finally make it to my room. I sit down on the bed and lay back for just a moment taking a deep breath. It's not that I don't love these parties, I just wish sometimes I could come up here after a win and chill on my bed staring at the ceiling or go outside to the pond just at the back of the house, but I was expected to at least make an appearance, this was after all a party thrown just for me.

Pushing off my bed I smile as I look at myself in the mirror. Oh wow, I have dirt smudges on my face, my hair is thrown up in cap, but spilling out everywhere, and my racing jacket is caked in dirt, grease, and mud. I think I look great, most girls would be running away from the sight of themselves, but not me. I loved this look, I looked badass and fierce, no one would mess with me tonight. I smiled again at myself before rubbing off the bigger spots of dirt, I know I just said I love the look, but I mean I don't want enough dirt on me to make my own track. One last look over myself and I'm ready to descend the stairs and make my grand entrance.

I laugh at myself as I take the first couple of steps, but I have to stop suddenly because Bryan is being an idiot.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" He yells at the top of his lungs. I look over and he is standing on the coffee table in his living room. "I present tonight's big winner," he throws his hand in my direction and I laugh at him, "Mrs. Kody Dillon!" he claps like an idiot before the house erupts in cheers, whistles, claps, and laughs. By the time I make it to the bottom of the stairs the little moment is almost forgotten, but Bryan is making his way towards me.

"Do you have to do that every time?" I hit his arm playfully.

"Owie," he laughs, rubbing his arm like I actually hurt him. "Yes you big meanie," he throws his arm around me and leads me towards the kitchen. "I know you love the attention," he half yells into my ear and I start laughing again.

"Come one," I say still laughing at him. "Let's get you drunk!"

"Yes," he squeals, "lets!"

As I watch Bryan throw back yet another shot I feel eye watching me. I turn my head to look over my shoulder and Rylan is watching me from across the room. He's standing with a few guys from the race today, but he is paying no attention to what they are saying, his eyes are glued to me. I whip my head back to Bryan and smile like a fool.

Just as Bryan slams down his last shot, All She Wants to do is Dance comes on. I grab his hand and lead him back towards the living room/unofficial dance floor. He laughs as I press up against him and dance to the beat.

"I love this song!" I yell and he nods.

"I know!" Bodies press in on us from every angle as we dance like lunatics. He twirls me around and I come back into his arms only to start dirty dancing all over him. "Woo," he yells and slaps my butt payfully causing me to laugh at him. I know it sounds slutty, but he's my best friend, it's totally cool. I've got my arms around his neck, dancing around him in circles. I love this. Dancing with all these people pressed against us, it makes me feel so welcomed. As the song ends we both pout, but it ends soon as E.T. starts playing. Again we are dancing all over each other and the people surrounding us.

"I need more alcohol if you want me to dance the night away with you," Bryan yells.

"Fine," I yell back, "just hurry!" He nods and slips out of my arms. I turn away from his exit and throw my arms in the air, just dancing with myself. Not that I didn't have people wanting to dance with me. Some guy I don't know, who smelled like liquor pressed against me and I pushed him away.

"Come on baby," he slurred and I stilled my movements. I hated when drunk guys hit on me.

"How about no," I cocked my head to the side. Most of the time guys got the message and left me alone, but this one was persistent.

"Come on," he grabbed for my hips, "just one dance," I jerk away from him and bump into the people behind me.

"I said no," I try again, but his hands find my waist and pull me towards him, that's when I have to get physical. I punch him in the gut, "Do you get it now?" I ask as he slumps to the ground, only to be swept away by some other guys. I smile to myself and start dancing again.

Not long into Only Prettier, I feel hands on my hips. I smile because I know it's Bryan, so I lean back into his chest and grind, but when I open my eyes to look up at him, I see a beautiful, scruffy jaw. I snap up, but he pulls me back to his chest.

"So is he your boyfriend," he whispers in my ear and chills run down my spine. I just shake my head, I don't trust my voice right at that moment. "Really?" he asks turning me in his arms, so that I am looking up into his eyes. Oh god.

"No," I say, finally finding my voice, "contrary to popular belief, he and I are only friends," he looks at me for a moment before leaning towards me. I close my eyes and wait.

"My face hurts," he says against my ear, his lips moving against my flesh.

"Aww," I sighed, "poor baby. Did you get beat up by a teensy girl," I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Nope," he said smiling, "This bad ass girl hit me for being a jerk," I laughed.

"Well, I guess you should learn to be nicer," I turn away to start dancing again, but he pulls me back against him.

"Dance with me and I'll be nicer," his lips move against the back of my neck and this time I do shiver. I feel his chest rumble as he chuckles at me. "Is that a yes?" and all I can do is nod.

His hands go back to my hips and he pulls me harder into him, I groan quietly as I grind against him. When I start moving he runs his hands down my sides giving me goose bumps. I lean back to place my arms around his neck and is pushes me more into him. I can hear him moan as I grid just right against the fly of his jeans, I do the same move again and his hands find the hem of my shirt so that he can press his flesh to mine. His hot hands against my stomach drives me crazy, it's sort of innocent, but it feels so good. I continue to grind against his growing manhood and his moans get louder. I smile to myself, but I'm suddenly being spun around again and his lips are on mine.

The only thing I can think as his tongue touches mine is that he tastes so damn good. His rich spice fills my head as I pull his hair to bring him closer to me. His hands are on my back under my shirt pressing me against him, which is a good thing because I feel myself melting into his touch.

So what do you guys think of Rylan?!

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