5. Arshi

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That night, Arnav couldn’t stop thinking about that little girl.

“Arshi,” he said aloud to himself. “Kitna pyaara naam hain. New, ajeeb… but unique.”

“What are you saying to yourself,” Anjali asked as she came in, Pari in hand, her 2 year old daughter.

“Nothing Di, just… I met this little girl today… and she was beautiful. She looked like almost about 2 or something, and she looked so cute.”

“I see…”

“Di I don’t know what it is, but… I feel like there’s a connection.”

“Who are you and where is my Chote," Anjali teased

“Shut up Di,” Arnav frowned, and Anjali pouted.

“Fine,” and she turned away.

“Really Di? Even Pari isn’t that childish.”


“Forget it,” he chuckled, and he picked up Pari and placed her on his lap.

The two played with each other and Anjali's eyes swelled up at the sight.

“Di, please don’t-“

“I won’t,” and she looked up, hoping thay it would help for her tears to go away.

Once she calmed down, Anjali smiled faintly. "Imagine if you had a child… then everything could’ve been different," and Anjali got up, taking Pari with her before she really cracked.

Arnav’s mood went down. If only I did have a child, he thought to himself. And if only I had my Khushi.

While he laid back in bed alone, thinking of Khushi, Khushi was lying next to Arshi, her snuggled into Khushi. Khushi patted her baby lightly and thought about earlier, how her heart had raced up.

Dhak Dhak Dhak

She shut her eyes and clutched her heart.

“Hai Devi Maiya, what do you want?!”

If I’m acting like this, she thought, then what will happen tomorrow?

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