13. The Family Knows

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Arnav was mad. And I mean mad. Little moments of their recent argument played in his mind. He was getting angrier and angrier by the moment. And then Arshi came to mind and he stopped the car.

That face…that beautiful face… is my daughter, he thought, and then he got mad. Damn it Khushi! Why’d you have to hide this from me?

He started up the car again and drove home. When he got home, he stormed in, knocking a vase over.

“Chote,” Anjali said, and everyone went over to him.

He looked like a mess: his coat in hand, shirt untucked on one side his hair messed up. Arnav jad really took it out on himself.

“Chote,” Nani said, “ka huwa?”

But Arnav wasn’t paying attention. He was zoned off, thinking of Arshi; from the day they met at the park to earlier in the night.

“Chote,” Anjali said, cupping his face with one hand. “What happened?”

Arnav was getting mad again and he stormed away upstairs to his room and knocked everything off his bed.

“Chote!” Anjali and everyone else came in. “Chote, please, tell me what’s wrong.”

Arnav looked at Anjali and thenat Pari, who was in her mother’s arms. He remembered Khushi holding Arshi,which reminded him of how he was holding her and how she was holding onto him.… How she put her cheek against his… how she kept reaching out to him.

He couldn’t take it anymore and had tears flowing down his cheeks.


Anjali put Pari down and she heldher brother, everyone else completely shocked.

“Chote, what happened? Tell me.”

“Di, she…”

She? Who?”


Everyone widened their eyes and Arnav continued.

“Khushi… Khushi took her away from me.”

“Took who,” Anjali asked.

“She took Arshi.”

“Arshi? Who’s- wait, you mean the little girl from the park?”

“Hello, hi, bye, bye,” Mami began, “little girl? From park? Hello, hi, bye, bye. Ee random little girl konhain?”

That ticked Arnav off.

“She is not a random little girl,”he yelled, standing up. “SHE’S MY DAUGHTER!”

Everyone looked at him, shocked and surprised.

“Ka,” Nani asked, finally able to get her voice to work.

“Yes Nani,” he replied. “Khushiis back and she has my daughter – Arshi."

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