7. AR Group

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As if that day wasn’t enough, today Khushi would have to see Arnav again, only this time at AR Group. She entered the office, old memories coming to mind. She stood there for a moment and looked around.

“Something wrong,” Soniya asked.

“No,” Khushi answered after a few seconds.

Khushi walked in and Soniya followed from behind when all of a sudden Khushi stopped. She turned to a custodian worker who was mopping the floor. She looked at the red bucket and remembered the time she threw water at Arnav and how he tossed the bucket-load of water at her.

She looked away and began to walk again. The workers looked at her as she came in, thinking she looked familiar.

Of course, she thought to herself, and she removed her shades and everyone gasped away.

“Isn’t that-” a worker began, but didn’t continue.

Everyone looked at Khushi. EVERYONE. Do you get what I mean? Well if you understand that I’m talking about Arnav… then ding, ding, ding! You are correct.

Arnav looked down from his room at Khushi. She was in a blue dress that went up to her knees. It was as if the dress was hugging her by her waist. The way it went with her hourglass-shaped figure… Arnav couldn’t control himself.

Khushi climbed up the stairs to the conference room, joining Mr. Khana, who was already there. Arnav came eventually and they discussed business matters and eventually took a break.

Khushi was so busy talking to Soniya, she didn’t realize that Arnav was gazing away at her. Her phone rang, interrupting her midsentence. She looked irritated, but once she looked at the screen, she smiled qnd took the call.

“NICK,” she exclaimed. “How are you?! ... Uh huh… what?! … Perfect!”

She hung up and jumped up and down.

Arnav cracked a smile. He remembered the time when Khushi jumped up and down in joy when she had found 2 silver coins in the packets of detergent. The way she was smiling… Arnav felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Everyone went back to the conference room and they continued to discuss their new project.

One of the “suits” went to Khushi and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and he left.

“Well,” she said, standing up. “I’ve got my designs ready and I’ve got my models.”

“Really,” Mr. Khana asked.

She nodded and she looked at the door and in came her models, wearing the prototypes she created.

Arnav was half surprised. Half because he knew Khushi made her own clothes, but surprised because these clothes had such a Western flare.

“Used my money well,” Mr. Khana said.

“Of course,” Khushi replied. “I don’t mess around when it comes to business.”

Arnav was quite surprised at her seriousness. Khushi has changed so much, he thought.

Once her models were done modeling, they left and Mr. Khana wrote out a check to Khushi. He left and Khushi spoke to Soniya, when her phone rang and she excused herself.

“So we meet again,” Arnav said to Soniya as he walked over to her.


“So you work for Khushi?”


Arnav nodded and looked at Khushi… until he realized something. “What about that child?”

Uh oh, Soniya thought. What to do? … Kuch toh bol Soni!

“Well,” Soniya began, “I work for her and I’m also a nanny.”

“Two jobs? What? Not enough money?”

Khushi’s right, she thought, he’s arrogant. “No, it’s not that. I just like babysitting.”


Out of nowhere Khushi shrieked. “Nick I friggin’ love you,” she exclaimed.

Arnav felt a pang of jealousy and got mad. He went up to his room and Soniya got shocked by his sudden actions. Khushi went back to Soniya and smiled from end to end.

She sighed. “Just gotta love Nick!”

“I know.”

Soniya and Khushi widened their eyes and turned to the voice.

“Nick,” they both yelled out.

Arnav was in his office, really grumpy.

Who the hell is this Nick guy, he wondered and he got frustrated. He stood up and went by the window to look down at Khushi.

Both Khushi and Soniya yelled ‘Nick’ and then ran. They hugged a person and Arnav couldn’t clearly see the person.

“Nick, what are you doing here,” Khushi exclaimed.

They let go and Nick spoke.

“You’re here and Soniya’s here so I had to come.”

“Aww! The things you say.”

“Anyways, where these Khana and Raizada people at?”

“Mr. Khana left,” Soniya said, “but Mr. Raizada is up in his office.”

“Well let’s see him. Shall we Khushi darling?”

“Of course,” and they linked arms.

Arnav saw them approaching and he sat down in his chair and acted like as if he were already working.

Time to see who this Nick is, he thought to himself, and he put a cool, confident look and worked away on his laptop, when he heard a knock.

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