33. Bhai Ka Behen

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All Khushi could think about was going home. Nothing else mattered, she just wanted to go home. As she prepared for the fashion show, making final adjustments and setting up the stage, that was all she could think of. As soon as the fashion show was over tomorrow, Khushi would go back to her hotel room, grab all of their stuff and head off to the airport.

Khushi needed the show to run smoothly and perfectly. She could not afford any setbacks that could delay her from her flight. That was why Khushi came in really early in the morning to make sure all the clothes were ready, the models were prepared, the lighting was adjusted, seat chart finalized, and the stage completed.

Nothing could go wrong for her.

Meanwhile, Arnav was gazing down at his daughter. She was cuddled into him, her little fist holding onto Arnav's shirt. Arnav felt a burst of emotions, tears threatening to form. Before, he was absolutely confident with himself, positive that he would be able to make Khushi stay. But after what he had seen the day before, he knew couldn't win.

Arshi groaned and moved. "Da!"

Arnav patted her lightly on her back. "I'm here baby," he whispered. "Daddy's right here."

Arshi grunted a bit more and then sighed, going back to sleep. Arnav adjusted his pillow and laid down beside her. He looked at Arshi as she slept, and he continued to lightly pat her.He kissed her lightly on her forehead and wrapped his arm around her.

I can't lose you ArshiI can't.


It was about 10 AM when Arnav woke up. He found Arshi sitting next to him, playing with her teddy bear. He got up and Arshi looked at him.


Arnav smiled softly. "Good morning."

Arnav picked her up and headed to the bathroom. After washing themselves up and getting ready for the day, Arnav headed downstairs. Just as he was going down the stairs, Arnav's phone began to ring. He took the call without looking at it.


"Hi Arnav." It was Soniya.

Arnav looked at Arshi as his heart pitted. "Hi."

"I know that Khushi wanted me to pick Arshi up today, but we're both really busy at the fashion show."


"So you're going to have Arshi a little bit longer."

Arnav's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yeah. I'm about to go tell Khushi that, and I have no idea how she's going to take it."


"Yeah.... Look, I hate this fight you two have got going on, but I really wish it was over. What you did was wrong, I absolutely agree with Khushi on that, but it's so obvious you regret yoir actions and it's obvious how much you love her. And not only her, but Arshi as well. And to rip Arshi away from you... I wish there was a way for Khushi to understand that."

Arshi yawned and placed her head on Arnav's shoulder.

"There's no way for her to understand anything right now," Arnav said. "She's angry, and that's it."

"But can she really be that angry to not understand that her heart wants you?"

Arnav sighed and looked down.

"This needs to end Arnav. It really does. Not just for your sake or Khushi's sake, but for Arshi's sake."

With that, Soniya hung up. Arnav looked down at his daughter and sighed sadly. He held onto her tightly and Arshi wrapped her arms around him. Arnav kissed her and hugged her. He wanted time to stop so that he could spend more time with her.

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