29. Aashi's Daddy

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Everything felt right, well, mostly right. The next morning, both daddy and daughter were in such a good mood, that Arnav decided not to go to the office. He told Aman to take care of things and to only call if there was an emergency. And of course there was Akash if anything were to happen.

Today would be his day off, dedicated to his baby girl.

Once breakfast was complete, Arnav took Arshi and Pari out to the backyard. Anjali had a doctor's appointment so Arnav told her to leave Pari behind and that he'd watch them. Anjali agreed and Arnav took them to play. It was a bright and sunny day, so Nani and Mami sat outside on the patio to drink their tea. They watched as the two little girls laughed and played with a ball. They ran around, giggling away, Arnav playing with them.

Nani sighed. "Never in my life did I think I'd ever see Chote like this. I hoped for it, I just never thought I'd see it."

Mami smiled and nodded. It truly was a treat for their eyes.

They continued to watch as Arshi kicked the ball and tossed her arms up in the air. Arnav was proud of his baby girl and picked her up and swung her around, Arshi shrieking with giggles. He set her back down and turned to Pari.

"Aashi, ball," Pari exclaimed.

She threw it to Arshi and Arshi went running to it. She picked it up and kicked it to her father and Arnav caught it.

"Good job Arshi," he grinned.

Arshi tossed her arms up in the air. "Yay Aashi!"

Arnav chuckled at his daughter's attempt to say her own name.

Nani and Mami finished their tea and decided to go back in to get work done. When they got inside, the bell rang. They paused to see who it was and when Hari Prakash opened the door, they saw that it was Khushi.

"Khushi betiyan," Nani grinned.

Khushi went over to the two ladies. "Namaste Naniji, Mamiji."

"Hello, hi, bye, bye," and Mami twitched her lips.

Khushi smiled lightly at her and then looked at Nani. "How are you?"

"I'm well. And you?"

"Fine," but her eyes were roaming around the house.

Nani understood immediately. "Arshi betiyan is out back with Chote and Pari."

Khushi looked at Nani and before she could say anything, Nani continued.

"Why don't you head out back," she smiled softly.

Khushi nodded timidly and headed to the backyard. When she got there, she saw Pari playing with her push-along, while Arshi sat down on the blanket Arnav had set out, Arnav laying down between her legs. Arshi was babbling and playing with Arnav's hair, Arnav laughing as she did.

"Aashi," Pari hollered out.

Arshi turned her attention to Pari, who had picked up the other push-along, the one Arnav had bought for Arshi. Arshi yelled in excitement and got up, leaving her father behind. She took the the push-along, and both girls ran around, following each other. Arnav got up and began to chase them, and the two girls went off into a giggle-fit, running away from Arnav as he tried to get them.

Khushi watched in awe, smiling softly at an Arnav she had never seen before. He truly was something else. Khushi thought she had seen all of his sides: cold and egoistic, to a very loving man. Never did she think he could be warmhearted father.

Yet here he was, seeming as if he could be father of the year.

He's so good with herIt's as if he's been doing this his whole life. The way he is with Arshi- even with Pari! If we had another child-

Khushi stopped herself.

Another child? What are you thinking, and she hit herself in the head.


Khushi looked up and saw her daughter running towards her. She picked her up when she got close and placed her on her hip.

"How's my baby girl," Khushi cooed.


Khushi looked at Pari, who came walking towards them while holding her Mama's hand. She bent down and placed Arshi on the ground while looking at Pari.

"Did you make a new friend," Khushi smiled.


Khushi smiled softly and Pari hid behind her Mama's leg.

Arnav bent down and brought Pari in front of him. "Say hi to your Mami."

Khushi looked at him. Technically, he was right. She was her Mami.

"Mami,"Pari questioned.

"Amm," Arshi said.

Arnav chuckled. Not wanting to confuse them, he told them to continue playing and the two girls were more than happy to do so. Both stood up and watched as they played.

"I went to the office but you weren't there," Khushi said, watching her daughter play.

"It's my day off."

Khushi looked at him. "Really?"

"Yes. This whole day is devoted to my daughter," he smiled.

Khushi looked at Arnav while he watched the girls. She couldn't deny it to herself; something about Arnav being so fatherly was doing things to her. Sexual things.

The sun was shining brighter and it was getting hotter, so Arnav decided to take the girls inside. Aranv went over to them and told them it was time to go inside. He picked both the girls up and went towards the house. Again, seeing Arnav being so fatherly did stuff to Khushi once more.

"Khushi, could you get the toys," Arnav asked.

"Sure," and she watched him take the girls inside, cooing away at them.

Who would've thought, Khushi smiled.

Khushi picked up the toys and shook the blanket out before folding it. When she went back inside, she heard the song 'Munni Badnam Hui' and saw her daughter and niece dancing, shaking their hips and throwing one hand up into the air. They were giggling like crazy as they danced, and Arnav was staring at the two in shock.

"Hello, hi, bye, bye," Mami shrieked, and she got out her phone and recorded the two.

The two girls continued to giggle, and Arnav covered his face, groaning.

"What is going on," Arnav muttered.

"Oh relax," Khushi said and she pulled out her phone and began to record them.

"What are you doing?!"

"Uh, recording?"

"No, stop that!"

"What the? Why?"

"Because my daughter is not some dancer who... who-"

"Who what," Khushi asked, looking at him.

"She's not some random dancer!"

Khushi rolled her eyes and continued to record the girls. However, she felt that feeling again, Arnav's fatherly-ness doing things to her once more.

I'm screwed!

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