37. Redemption

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"Sir, are you sure you're okay?"

Ever since security had let Aman take Arnav away, Arnav had been silent. Aman took Arnav away from the airport, both of them standing in the parking lot.

"Sir, please say something."

Arnav looked up at Aman and Aman gasped. In all these years, he had never seen his boss this broken before, not even when Khushi had left the first time. He was hurt yes, but not broken like he was today. The loss of his wife was one thing, but losing both his wife and his daughter in one day was too much for the man.

Arnav felt a mixture of emotions. He was hurt, he was angry, he was sad, he was furious! But above all, he felt broken. All he could think of was his beautiful baby girl, from the moment he had first met her to the moment she had been taken away from her. It felt as if someone had plunged their hand through his chest and was twisting and squeezing his heart.

Aman noticed the change of expression on Arnav's face. "Sir?"

Without a word, Arnav got into his car.


He sped of without another thought, leaving the lot. His emotions took over him and Arnav drove around like a mad man! He could think of nothing else, nothing else but of his beautiful baby girl and the woman he loved. Loneliness spread through him, enraging him more and more, causing him to drive around even crazier! In fact so crazy, that his emotions were beginning to blind him, making him not pay attention to the road. Therefore, Arnav had no idea of the truck that was coming his way. He could only see the two girls he loved with all of his life, both leaving him and never to be seen again.


Arnav snapped out of his trance and saw the truck ahead of him, honking at him. He quickly swerved to the side, losing control of his car and crashing into a tree. Luckily for him, it hadn't been that intense and he hadn't gotten hurt. However, he was still in shock and he stared at the tree for a moment. Once again, images of his girls popped into his head and this time, Arnav cried.

Arnav simply could not control himself. He cried his eyes out, screaming in pain at the loss of the girls he loved so much. He had truly believed that his love for Khushi would have made her reconsider. He had truly believed that she still loved him just the way he still loved her, and she would have came back. But Khushi hadn't and he had lost her. He had lost his love. He had lost everything.

I'm a fool! I'm an absolute idiot! Why didn't I just apologize to her from the start, why did act so stupidly?! My emotions would do everything, yeah fucking right! Why the hell did i think that my heart would be able to do it just on it's own?! Why did I think Khushi would just understand without any explanations? I am in idiot! An idiot! An idiot! AN IDIOT!! And I've lost my girls... forever. ...all because I let my anger get the best of me.

Several moments passed before Arnav stopped crying and wiped his tears away. He took a deep breath and started up his car, and drove home. Knowing his Di, he knew she would've been waiting for him, in fact, everyone in the family must've been waiting for him. He had let his Di know that he was on his way to the airport, so he knew by now everyone in the family knew and was expecting his return. Unfortunately, he was going to have to hurt everyone with his failure to bring Khushi and Arshi home.

Arnav arrived to Shantivaan and sighed. He took a moment for himself before exiting his car and making his way to the house. With a heavy heart, Arnav rang the bell and Hari Prakash opened it. He made his way inside just as Anjali was making her way to the family room, she spotted him.


Arnav looked up at his sister and Anjali made her way to him.

"Oh my gosh Chote, are you okay? What happened, why is their blood on your forehead?"

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