26. Daddy's Girl

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Since the plan was made, Arnav had gone all out with the baby stuff: food, clothes, diapers, you name it! Even though he had a car seat for Pari, he had gotten a brand new one just for Arshi.

Arnav approached his car and opened the door. He placed the bag and put Arshi in her car seat. Strapping her in, he shut the door and got in the drivers seat. He started up the car and looked at Arshi through the rear-view mirror.

"Ready to go," he asked.

Arshi clapped. "Go," she beamed.

Arnav smiled and drove into traffic. They came to a red light and Arnav put the radio on. The song "'Tu Hai Meri Fantasy' from The Dirty Picture had just started to play. Arshi clapped, making Arnav smile. At that moment, he remembered back to the time when his Nani, his Di, his Mami, and Lavanya had tried to pacify Khushi, not so many years ago. Arnav still remembered how his grip on his phone had loosened, due to his shock, making him smile.

Someone honked their horn, causing Arnav to come back to reality. He drove towards the office and spoke to Aman on his Bluetooth, telling him to get a few things. Arnav arrived to the office and he took Arshi out. He took out her bag as well and had one of the security guards take it up to his room.

Inside AR, the workers were very confused. Just a few minutes ago, Aman had come in with a worker, the worker carrying a big box and by the looks of it, it looked like the box contained a baby swing.

But why? I mean yeah, through all the gossiping, everyone knows about ASR and his baby, but what's up with the baby swing?

In came ASR and to everyone's surprise, he was holding his daughter. This was a sight none of his workers had ever expected to see.

Arnav walked up to his room with full confidence, while Arshi looked at everyone, her index finger in her mouth as she beamed and waved at them. At that moment, those workers who had been here from at least the last 2 years, got a feeling that instead of the baby waving at them, it was Khushi waving instead.

Arnav went in his room and saw the baby swing beside his chair. He put Arshi in and strapped her in.

"There we go," Arnav said aloud. "All safe."

Arshi smiled and put her thumb in her mouth.

"No Arshi, don't do that," Arnav said, removing her thumb.

Arshi complied and smiled at him. Arnav smiled back and sat in his seat.

"Let's see what the list says," Arnav said as he opened up Arshi's baby bag.

Inside there were toys, clothes, bottles, and a note sitting right at the top. He picked it up and unfolded it and began to read:

Arshi's List

If she cries around 2, 6-7, or at 10, she's hungry and sleepy. She can have her bottle or rice, or roti, but don't give her something spicy to eat it with (although she can somewhat handle it O_o)

Sometimes she might not cry and will nag - if she does, she's hungry/sleepy (her bottle is fine)

Keep watch of her - very active and VERY sneaky

Arnav smirked and looked at his daughter. "Sneaky hmm?"

Arshi gave a full megawatt smile.

Arnav went back to the list...

Beware if you give her your phone - she once called the police!

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