v. wishing wells

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roadside flowers.
chapter 5: wishing wells


shimmers of black fabric greet me as i enter the gymanasium, with almost all of the karasuno high school athletes positioned in straight lines. yukari-senpai ushers me over. i sigh in relief when none of the teachers reprimand me for my tardiness.

"did you sleep in?" yukari-senpai asks, unminding of the vice principal giving his speech in front of the auditorium, a speech that slurred together into a low buzz of white noise in the background.

"i couldn't sleep well last night and ended up falling asleep at 1 in the morning," i whisper back.

"if you want, i have this herbal tea that helps you sleep at night." she's always been like an older sister to me and i am grateful. yukari-senpai is cheerful and supportive and although we have only known each other for five months, i treasure the moments we spent with each other.

"i'll manage," i answer, even if i'm not so certain myself.

"you sure?" she asks. to be truthful, i was just kept awake by the thoughts of tobio-kun and how i have gotten even deeper into my feelings than i ever was before. how the feelings are starting to hurt and it is only a matter of time before they let loose.

i smile and reply with a nod. resounding claps follow soon after with the denouement of the vice principal's speech. the teams are dismissed and the first years are ordered to remain to help with cleaning the gym. all a part of thanking the senpai that have always guided and supported us.

"you know, teruko-chan, you're not obligated to help, you've done a lot for us already," taiyou-senpai says, hands on his pockets. aichi stands by his sides, and i follow his gaze to yukari-senpai who is chatting amiably with the managers of the soccer club.

"it's okay, senpai," i answer and bow my head respectfully at our basketball captain.

"you sure?" he asks again and i answer with a nod. "okay then, be sure to turn up at saturday for our practice."

"i will."

he pats my head affectionately and turns to leave. taiyou-senpai nudges aichi first who still seems immersed in gazing into yukari-senpai's laughing form. i wonder if aichi also has trouble sleeping at night, thinking of someone who is within reach, but you do not have the courage to touch.


"you faced oikawa-senpai?" my voice is louder than i thought it would be. "that oikawa-senpai?"

he nods.

"woah! how did it go?"

"we lost."

"oh... i'm sorry for asking."

i pin my vision to my tennis shoes, watching my white shoe laces meet the dirt of the path.

"i thought you were going to watch..." he whispers softly, and i can't seem to pick up on what he's feeling. is he sad? angry? or perhaps disappointed in me. i am an observant girl and yet, i have completely given up on deciphering tobio-kun when he's like this. although i do have a sneaking suspicion this is due to the fact that when it comes to him, my judgment is always clouded by affection.

"i'm sorry," i say as we continue to make our way to the garbage cans.

"it's okay, don't apologize," he simply says as he removes the lid from the metallic trash can and drops the contents of thr garbage bag inside. "now that i think about it, you haven't watched a single match of mine during high school."

ROADSIDE FLOWERS ( t. kageyama )Where stories live. Discover now