Carpe Diem

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"Hello Autumn, how are you doing this morning?" Dr. Ann asked walking in with a clipboard.

I let out a low sigh trying to keep calm. In the inside I was freaking out. "I'm doing the best I can."

She gave me a sad smile and looked over my chart some more. "I know you're stressing out but you need to try and stay as calm as possible okay? Where's the father?"

Tears instantly started to fall at the mention of Austin. I'd been waiting all morning for her to give me some news so I could call him. "He's in Europe right now on tour with his band."

She nodded and rubbed my shoulder. "Well you are only dilated to one centimeter and we've managed to stop your contractions. I want to keep you in here for a few more days just to watch over you and keep a close eye on your baby to make sure she's not in any distress. For now everything is looking good. My goal is to get you to at least 35 weeks and I will try my hardest. We're going to start you on Corticosteroid shots to help with the development of her lungs."

I nodded my head taking in everything she was saying. My nerves calmed a little knowing that labor had been stopped but I still felt like I had a huge hole in my chest.

"We're going to do a sonogram and just see how she's doing okay?"

She rolled the machine over to the side of my bed and lifted up my hospital gone removing the fetal monitor. The sound of Ella's heartbeat coming through the speakers as she placed the small probe on my stomach, calmed me immensely.

"She looks very strong and healthy. She's developing very well. She actually looks pretty big for only twenty six weeks which is awesome!"

"So she's going to be okay?"

She cleaned off my belly and strapped the fetal monitor back over my abdomen. "For now she's going to be just fine. Now mama bear needs to get lots of rest and fluids. The more fluids we put in you the less likely you are to go into labor. I want you to try and not stress as much as possibly. I know it must be hard with Austin being away, I can't even imagine, but you have to stay calm. Try laying on your left side as much as possible as long as it is comfortable for you."

"Thank you."

"Not a problem Miss Grey. Now get some rest. I'll be checking up on you regularly."

As she left the room I took my now charged phone off of the table. Thank you Jamie. I quickly dialed Austin's number and put the phone to my ear.

"Autumn baby, are you okay? Is Ella okay? What's going on?"

"I'm fine. Ella is fine. We're going to be okay. I just need to take it easy."

I heard a loud sigh of relief. "What happened?"

"I just started going into premature labor but they've stopped it. They're keeping me for a few days just to make sure that everything is fine. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be confined to my bed for the next eleven weeks. Let's cross our fingers that she stays in there for eleven weeks. I'm not ready for her to come out." I was crying and I hadn't even realized I had started.

Austin sighed in frustration. I could almost see him in my head running his fingers through his hair with his eyes squinted in worry. "I really want to come home."

"You can't do that. You can't let your fans down." I pulled myself together the best I could. I knew all my crying was just stressing him out even more. "I love you Austin. We're hanging in here, you've gotta hang in there. Two weeks will fly by. You'll be home soon."

"I love you so much, Autumn." His voice cracked and I could hear the tears in his voice. "We're literally just about to go on stage so I'll call you when we're done, okay?"

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