Chapter 1

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Ever woken up with a throbbing head, covered in dirt, and unaware of who you are or how you got there? 

I couldn't even remember my own name. 

The sky was dark blue with sparkling stars and the breeze was cool against my skin. I winced at the pain which shot through my head. I raised my arm and with my fingers, I softly touched the right side of my head and when I pulled back they were covered in dark red. I couldn't feel my own flesh anymore, just draped in a thick coating of blood. 


I observed the area around me, I was in the woods, trees entrapped me like a cage. The floor was covered in leaves and patches of dried grass. I looked down at myself, I was wearing flats with high-knee black socks, a leather skirt, and a white tank top with a long, black coat with a furred hood. I struggled to get to my feet, my vision was covered in black spots and I felt dizzy. My head kept throbbing and blood trailed down the side of my head and cheek. Like a lost deer, I dragged my feet deeper into the woods, in hopes of finding help. I zigzagged from tree to tree, holding on for support. 

It felt like I had been walking for hours before I came into view of a big wooden house with a porch placed in a large empty field. The grass looked greener, a stoned path wriggled up to the porch. I saw a swing set and a football with a net. I walked on the uneven stoned path and up the 3 steps of the porch where the wood creaked under my weight. There wasn't a doorbell so I knocked six times.

"Hello?" my voice came out weak and small. There was no answer so I knocked again. I called out again, this time a bit louder, using up all the energy I had left. After a minute the lamps either side of the door lit up and the door swung open. A small boy stood before me. Hair black and messy with a fringe. His eyes were big and emerald green. His face was round, cute, and brightened up at the sight of me. 

"Lana!" he spoke out that name in excitement and hugged me tightly. So strong for a little child. He smiled up at me and I looked back in confusion, I didn't know what to do. He seemed to know me well. Then he spotted my wound and his face flashed with horror. "What happened!?" he reached up on his toes and with his index finger poked the burning hole on the side of my head. I sharply inhaled and pulled back in pain. 

"Sorry," His voice was small and afraid, he glanced behind me, making sure I was alone and then pulled me in. I jumped frightened as the door slammed shut. The little boy went straight into another room so I followed, it was a living room. There was a fireplace, a large screen TV, two large white couches with furry pillows. A rug with pretty designs and a coffee table. At the back of the room, there were shelves with books and small sculptures. My eyes landed on the boy who was dialling a number down on the house phone. After three rings someone answered. 

"Sorry to disturb you at this of time night but its an emergency," he spoke like an adult, clearly mature for his age. I was shocked. "Lana is hurt and bleeding, can you come over?....okay thank you, Dr. Hugh." There he went with that name again. Lana? I repeated it a few times in my head. Was that my name? It didn't sound familiar to me. He hung up the phone and gestured for me to sit as he pulled out a blanket from the coffee table drawer. I took off my coat and swung the blanket over my shoulders. I snuggled into its warmth. 

"Does it hurt?" he stood before me, bent down and placed his hands on his knees as he eyed the wound. I shook my head slightly and plucked up the courage to ask. 

"I-Is my name Lana?" His eyes widened at my question and his bottom lip fell ajar. 

"This isn't the time for pranks, you know I hate your pranks!" He whined, his voice high pitched and shaken. 

"I'm not, I can't....remember anything." He ruffed up his hair, stressed and not knowing what to do. Could you blame him? There wasn't an adult in sight and he was having to deal with a difficult situation. 

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